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The Story

  • In the Beginning
    It began as a deadly virus knocking out at least 88% of America's children. Now it's a disease, a mutation to the children that survived. They call the disease IAAN, or Idiopathic Adolescent Acute Neurodegeneration. IAAN has enabled kids to have one of the five abilities; Heightened Intelligence,Telekinesis,Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, and Mind Suggestion. From the least dangerous to the deadliest of all of the abilities, and something that most people fear or hate.

    In response of such developments the President declared that any child with IAAN will be placed in 'Rehabilitation camps', so the children could learn to under stand his or her ability on a high level, thus less accidents. However it was a sly ruse, the camps are more like contraction camps, or hard labor camps. Death is common for anyone with Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, or Mind Suggestion, especially Pyrokinesis, and Mind Suggestion. With skip-tracers and special forces known as PSF's things appear even more grim behind the electrified fences holding most children at bay.

    Despite the government taking so many precautions in keeping such children away from everyone else it's to now avail. Babies are being born with IAAN, and are completely unaffected by the virus that supposedly brought such a disease. More and more children are also becoming a little bit bolder due to the undying thirst of freedom each child seeks.In a world where weather has practically devastated almost everything, where most adults are against IAAN infected children is there really any sense of freedom? Is there any point of escaping the one possible thing that could provide safety? Sny vhild would say yes, yes it is worth escaping hell.
  • Abou88% percent of ushave died, but what about the other 22%?