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Laws of Infection

  • Rules

    Now I realize rules are not the most exciting of topics, but it has to be done. Without the back bone things might just collapse into a heaping mess of chaos and I'm sure no one wants that.

    Rule #1: Respect everyone:
    Everyone here is far from perfect, everyone here will most likely make a mistake or misunderstand something, however that is no reason to harass or fight. We are here to write together and talk with each other about plans and if need be our lives. So there will be no name-calling, harassing, bullying or anything of the sort.

    Rule #2:You have your character, and they have there characters:
    Everyone has their own character, and you cannot ask them to do something out of character. You cannot control the other persons character either. If you have something you don't like about other people's characters please keep it to yourself, a character can not be killed off without the writers permission either.

    Rule #3:Other parts to keep up:

    No this is not really mandatory, but a simple request if everyone doesn't mind. There will be quite a few NPC's that will interact with our characters, so please give me a hand with controlling the NPC's.

    Rule #4: Length in Posts:

    It would be better, in my opinion at least, to write at least paragraph a per post. It gives your fellow writers more to write off of, but if your muse isn't working with you it's perfectly fine. Just do not make habit of one-liners.

    Rule #5: Take Risks:
    This is meant to be a very emotional, intense roleplay so do not hold back. Use what comes to mind to your advantage. Put emotion in your post as much as possible. Or at least try... And by risks I mean, if there are some bad people coming after your character and he or she is unarmed use their ability, attack the other people etc.

    Rule #6:No one is invincible:
    A good portion of the characters will be children or young abuts, which means unless they are PSF's or Skip Tracers, characters will lack experience. Characters also have a high risk of going days without eating, go days walking through rain, snow or slite(the role-play is in the middle of Winter)and someone is bond to get hurt.

    Rule #7: Announce if you will be gone and how long you are expected to be aw way.