Group Toolbar Menu


  • Rules;

    ★ To stop any arguments, this will be set in Twilince, where my character and fellow admins will be 'royals'. This stops people trying to god-mod in any way and keep it fair, since we (admins etc) might not roleplay.

    ★ Swearing and sexuality is allowed. So if you don't like we advise you leave. Please keep it moderated though, we don't want a porn group.

    ★ Gay, Lesbian, Transgender etc is totally okay in our group. If you are homophobic or transphobic, keep it to yourself. Any transphobia or homophobia will be an instant ban.

    ★ Any attacks of race religion etc will be an instant ban.

    ★ Please don't advertise other groups here.

    ★ Don't post any harmful links for viruses, spam, trojans or porn sites etc.

    ★ Don't argue with the admins

    ★ Dice rolls should be used for fighting if you know how, if anyone gets confused contact me (Rosa Hawthorne) or an admin

    ★ Characters can die. If your character dies, submit another.

    ★ Have fun! <3