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Forums » Civilization » City/ Dempam

Average sized city with a population of around 15,000 people and monsters alike, near the extensive forest. The human race makes up 50% of the population. It's very popular with the monsters. 30-40% of the monster population is non-aggresive. The other 10% are territorial and aggressive. The monsters have lives there in clans as long as they can remember, because it was founded by a group of monsters of varying species.
(So do the humans know of the monsters, or are they just good at blending in?)

Katherine stood in awe at the city. Where she was from, everything was spread out. But here, it amazed her to see all of these structures close together.

"Have you ever been in there up close?" Katherine asked, not taking her eyes off the view.
(the monsters blend in. Sort of.)

"In a way. I used to live in a place like this.....many years ago. Nevermind that. What would you like to see first?"
" about the library?" Katherine knew it wasn't the most exciting of places, but she didn't want to go somewhere with a large crowd in fear of being found out.
"If we can find it I'll take you there. Deal?" He looked to her for a response. He wanted nothing but to help. Why he wanted to help he had no idea.
Katherine's face lit up. "Ok! Even if we don't, at least I was able to see the city, and that's good enough for me!"

She was already having a blast...even though nothing exciting happened yet.
"Well. I'm just gonna start walking till I find it." At this he set forward at a brisk walk, ignoring the odd looks due to his tattered clothes.
She didn't realize that they were looking you, but instead waved back at everyone she managed to make eye contact with.

"They seem to be very nice people," she whispered while attempting to keep up with the fast pace.
"Depends on your perspective....and what they are. I don't get along well with human people." His hair stood on end and his muscles tensed.
"Oh? Why's that?" She asked, slightly concerned. Everyone did seem nice..but then again, she hasn't really met anyone upclose yet.
"As soon as they get a reason.....a human will call the police, which in turn calls the hunters."
"Oh..." A frown flashed on her face for a quick second as she thought of the scenario.
"Maybe..they're just scared?"
"Best chance is to try and blend in. Act like you know what you're doing. Like you belong here."
Katherine nodded. She could do that.
She then immediately realized that she should stop waving to all of the bystanders..but she decided just to smile at them instead.
Slouching slightly his pace slowed marginally. "This is not the side I wished to enter on."
"Huh?" Katherine asked, looking up. She didn't hear him very well.
Slowing his pace until he had successfully evened himself with her, he looked over. "The other side of town smells better.....cleaner.....more human.....and a lot less hostile...."
"Hostile? Hostile to what?" She asked looking around, but couldn't see anything that stuck out.
"If you haven't noticed....the majority of these people....are monsters..... however, these groups are hostile..... Towards me mostly."
Katherine raised an eyebrow.
"Why? What did you do?"

Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)