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Forums » The wilderness » Forgotten Tomb

Far west of the Meadow in the forest lies a secluded and moss covered cave, surrounded by thick overgrowth and trees, hidden from view. An old stone road that once lead to it is now barely visible due to all the undergrowth. Inside the cave rests a large, stone tumulus with dragon-like gargoyles at it's sides. The surrounding areas are filled with dense forest, surrounding the road leading to it.
Inside the tomb is mostly empty, except for a stump which holds a single oil lamp, as well as the large stone, wolven statue in the center. The statue looks like a large, wolf-like creature sleeping, with it being surrounded by old and ruined books and scrolls. It is not just a statue.

Furorem's eyes and heart spark to life once again. He slowly opens his eyes from his ages old slumber. He gets up and stretches his claws, looking around him. Everything has been untouched. And his books have been rotted by time. Oh well. He walks out of the cave and looks around, before venturing deeper into the forest...
In the dusk, Furorem walks his way back to his lair, the tomb he fell asleep in oh so long ago. Surely no-one could have followed him all the way back. He walked down the trail and entered the tomb. The cave making the inside incredibly dark. He turns on the lamp, and lays the books he gathered in a corner.

He takes one, lays down, and begins flipping through it's pages...
"...BLASTED BOOKS!" Furorem remarks to himself as he throws another book into a messy pile, that one being the last one he checked. "I should have looked at what shelves I was getting them from! What a waste!" He muttered to himself. He realized after he checking them, that all of them were either boring auto-biographies or dictionaries...

Here we go again... He gets up off of the floor and turns off the lantern, and heads off towards the city once again in the dark of the night...
Ahh... home again. Well, atleast it's home for now. Secluded enough to have no one bother him. Well, maybe for wildlife, but they're not a problem. Unless a dragon or something about, few creatures would want to mess with a beast as big as him.

He lays down once again, opens a book, and begins reading.
At that moment, he got up from where he was laying down and shook his head. He's been reading for quite a while now, it's about time to get some fresh air. He trotts out of the tomb, in to the deep dark wilderness and stares up at the sky, watching the stars slowly roll across it, trying to spot planets and other things based on if they had a twinkle to them. He would do this for a while, until he took notice of a large amount of light pollution in the distance.

He would walk through the forest, eventually seeing the glow of the city beyond the forest's edge. He could see almost everything, the dirt road, the skyscrapers, the different buildings, and even the moving lights of cars and vehicles under the distant streets. He could get used to this spot. It was quite nice. He would lay back down, and continue to stare at the beautiful array of lights before him in the distance.

Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)