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A long hallway with only rooms. Every room has a complete bedroom and a complete bathroom. It is mostly for new pasta's and the Guardian. (P.S. The Guardian is the one that takes care of the new Pasta's for the first few weeks.)
lily, still passed out, held her katana that's in it's scabbard close to her.
Carefully opening the door he walked into her room and put her on the bed. He then turned to leave.
lily started waking up, "leon?"
"Yes?" He looks back at her turning just so that, if required, he can run for his life.
"thank you, can you ask slender if we can get my dog from home to live here, I miss him." she says snuggled under the blanket.
"As long as he doesn't chew anything up, I'll make sure nobody kills him. Where is he?"
she tells leon her house address "also he's really friendly so he might want you to pet him, and he doesn't chew anything we have three dogs, he's the black one."
"I'll be back later. I won't be at lunch. Take your weapon. What's the dogs name?"
"his name is Hobbies make sure my mom doesn't notice you she's on crutches, my big sister should be at work, and I will bring my weapon"
"Why can't she see me? I enjoy terrorizing people."
"because, i'm going to kill her and my sister, but daddy he gets to live i love him he was never mean to me."
"I suppose that'll be your first mission." Replacing the bandana and the cloth over his eyes.
lily falls asleep, happy her dog Hobbies is going to be living with her again.
He turned away and left the mansion. He left only to return in an hour with a dog. (Not writing it out cause I'm lazy)
lily was getting ready to go downstairs to lunch and has her katana on her back.
Knocking on the door he shuffled awkwardly.
lily opened the door, and see's hobbies and hugs leon "thank you leon for getting hobbies"
"My pleasure. It was a short walk of sorts. I think your mother did see me. I flashed my charming split jawed grin and she ran, after throwing her beer in the air."
"wow my mom running that's a first since she's on crutches" she leans down to pet hobbies "hey hobbies how you doing buddy, when I got hobbies as a puppy i was asked what dog i wanted and i said: 'the black dog with no hay on it' we got him from a farm." (true story about my dog, and t's funny thinking of my mom running with her crutches)

Moderators: Lily (played by Teagan98)