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Another Wipe Update

Posted by DaBoisBackHome July 6th 2017, 8:14pm
I'm making small amounts of progress in the wipe. If there's ANY PART OF THE CANON YOU WANT CHANGED, now's the time to ask.

Some changes that WILL be happening, guaranteed:
    1. The trial fights will be replaced by a free-for-all like what was at first planned
    2. The Weak Holding Areas have been removed
    3. Rules will be updated to accommodate changes
    4. A fresher description will be added to the front page
    5. The Announcer was originally going to have a background story that led him to running the Arena. This will be uncovered more after the wipe as I will have hints and clues pointing to it.
    6. There was a guard who originally was going to have a story as well who would attempt aiding the fighters in escape. My original idea was for her to be caught doing so and punished. I might not keep this after the wipe, but if enough people want this it'll be added.
    7. I'm going to let more people join. I feel that a lack of members was a reason the group died. Also, a month after signups were closed, someone posted in the Looking For RP topic and eventually threatened suicide since she couldn't join. She was taking it too far, and I did report her. Her suicide threat was false as far as I know.
    8. I archived the Main Arena and made a new topic.

Maybe one or two more changes are coming up, but like I said, IF YOU WANT THE CANON CHANGED, ASK NOW.

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