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Forums » INTRO » Life Inside the Wall

Hey guys, it's been awhile. So here it is, explain your life inside the wall. But do realize that not everyone has gold and riches.

If you're one of the people who chose to live outside the wall, still explain your life. Your routine, romantic life. Anything! Have fun. (I might jump in from time to time)
As the sun rises, he watches the horizon as it turns from a deep blue to an array of bright colors that reflect off the water of the river his cabin sits next to. His stomach grumbles as he stands, looking to the trees. After a few seconds, he climbs the luscious trees. He scopes out the fields, searching for his meal. In the distance, he sees a small game galloping through the tall grass. He waits for a few minutes and follows the small creature through the trees. Eventually, the two of them are officially outside of predator area. He draws his arrow and bow and takes aim. He fires, landing a clean headshot, dropping the small creature in an instant. He slides down the tree and gathers his meal and travels a distance back to his home. He skins and tears the organs out from the animal. Then, he cooks the small animal over the slow fire of the fireplace, making the meat tender. He eats the animal, filling his stomach and causing him to fall asleep soon after.

(Sorry, I like to start my first reply with a lot of detail. :P I hope you like it!)
Bazel usually patrols around the mountain in the morning looking for dragons/monsters, then after he's done patrolling/killing monsters/dragons, he puts the materials get got from skinning them into his stockpile. He then stores the materials he got from the hunt in his stockpile. In the evening, he takes some of the food he got from his hunt/stockpile, cooks it, then eats it. then he usually gives himself 2 hours of free time to do things like get minerals, amber, or other non-monster parts. then he heads back to his house and goes to sleep to get ready for the next day.
Allara does the same thing everyday, on repeat.

Chores, Learn, Chores, Learn, Dinner, Chores and then more learning. She's sick of the same old thing. She wanted to explore outside but her mother was always so cold and angry at her. She never pushed her.

So she did the same routine everyday, only straying to have a sword fight with Nick who says, “I go easy on you, that's why you always win.”

She tried not to complain, especially when her mother is trying her best to provide for them. But Allara knows that, spotting at home and doing chores isn't what she's supposed to be doing.
Cat usually stays in the shadows, since she is a nervous person/ She goes hunting everyday and will help whoever she can/ She doesn't have a romantic life yet, but is hoping for one/ She doesn't sleep much, but when she does she becomes a smallpox kitsune/ She carries weapons with her everywhere, just in cause