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Character Name: Akeya Nuru Mwangi

Nicknames: Ake, Yaru (by close friends)

Character Age: 25

Gender: Female

Patron: Zyvjun, God of Forgiveness and Healing

Appearance: Akeya is of slighter shorter than average height, at around 5 feet tall. She is somewhat stocky, needing to be strong due to the fact that medical professionals have to lift or carry people more often than you'd think. Her head is very closely shaved, and Akeya has a large nose and brown eyes with a somewhat honey-coloured tint. She typically wears simple robes and sandals; during this dangerous journey, she wears tough leather armour over her clothing, including a chestplate, pauldrons, bracers, greaves, and a segmented armour skirt. She wears a charm of protection around her neck, usually tucked underneath her clothing, and weighted stone earrings. Akeya wears a lot of vibrant colours as her dark skin can really make them "pop". The symbol of Zyvjun is tattooed on her inner right wrist.

Personality: Akeya is generally friendly and very dedicated to the care of those around her. Her role as healer means that she is collected under pressure and persistent. This also means she is not afraid to be seen as "bossy" if she needs to be to help someone, and is sometimes described as stubborn, as she will give orders to anyone she deems it medically necessary to do so and stay until they either comply or something more pressing forces her to leave. As a healer and a follower of Zyvjun, she sees it as her duty to heal anyone who is injured, refusing to let even those against her die if she has the option and ability to save them. Akeya is a pacifist in all but the most dire of situations and, as a result, she does poorly in combat when it is required.

History: Akeya was raised in a group where a majority of people either followed Zyvjun or Zaros, finding their ideologies compatible enough. She and her sister were always close, and Akeya originally did not put much stock in Zyvjun. However, after her sister got seriously ill, she admired the healer who cured her, and dedicated herself to the God of Healing and Forgiveness. As she was nearly 12 years old, she requested that the healer train her. She spent the next eight years as his apprentice, learning the ins and outs of healing and spirituality. When her training was finished, her master travelled to practice in a larger village, leaving Akeya in charge of medicine in her village. Five years later, she has travelled to serve Zyvjun in the War of the Gods.