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This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

    • Be Courteous -- If your character is a bully, that's fine, sometimes they just are. However, OOC bullying will not be tolerated. We're all here to have fun, don't run somebody else's by being a jerk.
    • No God-Modding -- No controlling any one else's character, this includes hurting or killing them without the express permission of the player
    • Write enough to work with -- There aren't any hard, fast rules on post length. Just make sure that you have enough information for another player to reply to.
    • Character Limit -- None
    • Please keep it PG-13-- Some swearing is okay, just don't go overboard, throwing F-bombs all over the place and stuff. No smut (fade to black, take it private if you've really gotta do it.) Violence is fine if all players involved have agreed, but again, don't go overboard. If in doubt, just ask!
    • That's it for now. Changes may happen, but I'll make sure to put them up on the OOC board if they do.