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How shall we begin?
Would you like to make a character sheet, we could add some mechanics like a Tabletop?
Hmm... how can i?
Beatrice Ursula Slader wrote:
Hmm... how can i?
I'll go through it with you. Would you like to play as co gm with me? Will your main pc be human or insectoid?
I usually go human, and yes, I'd love to gm.
Beatrice Ursula Slader wrote:
I usually go human, and yes, I'd love to gm.
Okay. First bit is...
Age: Loli
Race(Species, plus racial score. 10 is purely human.)
Origin(Scavenger, Mutant, Preserved):
Okay. First bit is...
Name Beatrice Ursula Slader
Age: 23
Race: human
Gender: female
Origin: preserved and mobilized
Class: marksman
What does mobilized entail?
Anything you want to add?
Mobilized means she's been put on the field.
Beatrice Ursula Slader wrote:
Mobilized means she's been put on the field.
Are you more of a sniper or rifleman?
She's a sniper, but she works more like a rifleman.
Okay, anything else you want to add!?
Nein. But I put up a post for anyone to join.
Great, ready to start?
You look upon the great waste before you, bloody sand and black rocks for miles. Scorched Earth all around your way tower.
Beatrice sighed softly as she looked around, making sure to sweep slowly as to catch any movement.
There were the usual bigs scavenging long dead bones and whole swarms that traveled the hot sands, but all was safe for now.