Group Toolbar Menu


  • The "Factions"

    Your character may be part of any of the following "factions":

    Idols | What most trainees strive for. Idols are already established public figures in the K-pop industry, usually part of a group with other idols. Idols can also be actors and models, but they are singers first and foremost.

    Trainees | Aspiring artists. Trainees can train to become actors, idols, models, dancers, etc. They have yet to enter the public eye. Those training to become idols are usually part of a group of other trainees.

    Actors |

    Models |

    Dancers | Backup dancers for idol group performances.

    Staff | Camera guys, producers, directors, dance instructors, etc.

    If you have any ideas for a different position, feel free to DM me (renzikins on RPR; bongjo#9084 on discord)!