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Forums » OoC Discussion » Welcome to Interstellar!

Hello and welcome to Interstellar! A few months ago this was started and we began planning it out but real life got in the way very quickly and it died off completely mid-planning. Luckily, things have been calming down for me so I can get back to putting my attention on this idea that I've had in my head for a long time.

Right now we are working on building the lore of our world together and deciding what we want to put in the official Lore Library that I am creating. We are going quite in depth as we really want this world to feel real and lived in so we can roleplay extensively here for a long time. Once we feel satisfied that we've breathed life into the world, we will begin deciding on what sort of characters we want to have, and then decide on a story arc that we'd like to complete. We will use story arcs as a way to keep track of what is happening in the main story, since this is meant for a larger group.

We will continue adding lore and stuff as we roleplay, but from here it's off to the races! I'm extremely excited to see what we all manage to do together! We can always just have fun discussions and get to know one another in this part of the forums while we work on everything else too.

((For the people who joined previously: Sorry again for the sudden absence, if you are no longer interested, I understand, if you are, we'd be very happy to have you again!))

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