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Meet the Staff

  • DyingEmbers

    Founder of the institute, a government member under a code name.
  • Dr. Leigha Amerson

    Position: Doctor

    Qualifications: Medical school, prior experience in hospitals

    Dr Leigha Amerson has always had a facination with science, and a bit of an obsession in finding explanations for everything. She has taken a particular interest in studies of the magical and arcane. She's a cold and calculating, and will resort to a variety of methods to find the answers she so desperatly seems to seek.
  • Dr. Maddie Angevin

    Position: Scientist

    Qualifications: Degree in philosophy and biology

    Maddie, is normally a gentle soul. However, if someone gets on her bad side she can turn on the sass. She tries to put on this façade of kindness and purity, but sometimes it's too exhausting for her. She has a went to college and got her degree for philosophy, and then she went back to get her degree in biology. She graduated college at 16.
  • Dr. Drake Soleri

    Position: Scientist

    Qualifications: Ph.D in Particle and Field Physics

    Doctor Solari has a relaxed temperament, but that indicates nothing of his ardent pursuit for hard to find answers. Like most scientists at the Mystic Studies Institute, the arcane and metaphysical arts did not contradict his understanding of physics. Instead, they posed fascinating questions about the gaps in our understanding of the world. Doctor Solari, perhaps a little too ambitious, decided he would be the one to marry the mystical with the physical laws of the universe, to finally produce one unifying theory of everything. He hopes his work at Mystic Studies Institute will lead him to it.