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House of Lamentation

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    House Of Lamentation
    Located in the Devildom, The House of Lamentation is a huge mansion where the seven demon brothers Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor live. The human in the exchange program shall be residing with them. They all have individual rooms, except for Beelzebub and Belphegor who share a room.

    The mansion was originally built in the human world on the outskirts of a village. The people who previously lived there were a married couple with their seven children, and their servant.

    One day a terrible tragedy struck inside the house. Every family member was brutally murdered in a different way, in a different room, and the servant had hung himself in his own room. The only survivor was the oldest son, who claimed the servant committed the crimes. The authorities deemed the case closed, but rumors started spreading that the oldest son was on bad terms with his family. It was then believed that the servant tried to stop him but was killed and framed to be the scapegoat for the murders. The son continued living in the house until he died of old age.

    Afterward, there were figures seen in the windows, and screaming and arguing could be heard despite being vacant. Because of the dark history, the mansion became known as the "House of Lamentation".

    Eventually, the mansion was transported in the Devildom and became a dorm for the brothers.

    The attic was considered Lucifer's private sanctuary where he kept things from the Celestial Realm. Lucifer went to great lengths to keep his brothers away from it, including casting a spell that prevented them from entering it, but it doesn't work on humans and angels.

    There are seven headstones in the front yard.

    The architecture looks to be a Gothic Revival.

    The guest room is stated to be on the other side of the kitchen.

    Their room may also have their own bathroom for Beelzebub stated that Mammon often left his toothbrush, as well as his phone charger, in their room.

    There's at least one tree within the house.