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  • IC Rules
    1. No godmoding. This means you can not control the actions of another character if they have not stated their reaction. For example, if you attack someone elses' character, you cannot decide if you succeeded in injuring them or not.

    2. No OP/perfect characters. Of course, your character will have a decently powerful quirk that they can use at will, but that doesn't mean that they are as strong as a Pro Hero, or are the most powerful in the school.
    4. Try to keep character reactions and abilities realistic. This is more of a guideline than a strict rule, but please try to give responses realistic to the situation and your character's personality/abilities.

    5. No express fighting or hate towards another character IC, unless you have been given permission by the player of the character. Rivalries and anger towards another person is completely fine, just please don't let it get out of hand.

    6. Just remember to have fun, and enjoy your time RPing with the group!

    OOC Rules
    1. No excess cursing/swearing. Mild and occasinal swearing is fine, just don't go overboard.

    2. No extremely explicit or sexual interactions/references. Romance developing between characters is fine, just no NSFW content, please. Keep in mind the age of the characters and the setting/scenario of the RP

    3. No hateful or hurtful words OOC. It's also never okay to attack someone because of beliefs, race, religion, political standing, etc.

    4. Please remember that you may be removed from the group or banned if you repeatedly break these rules. This is supposed to be a safe place for those who want to meet others with an interest in My Hero Academia, and enjoy a roleplay in the universe.