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Played by a verified adult
The City of Highgate |
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pirate - slaver-hunter - accountant - researcher
Coldblood, Dreadspawn. These are some of many names A'sallit managed to earn for himself among the years, ephitet after ephitet to collect and place on a mantle, each as unflattering as the next. |
A'sallit Torha |
47 |
Male |
xiv: Miqo'te indie: Felidae (sub. Felinae) |
Thavnairian |
First Mate |
The Red Coeurl, St Germain's Textiles, The Sons of St. Coinach. |
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wise ‑ decisive ‑ unyielding ‑ resourceful ‑ ambitious
Even before years of experience was his trusted mentor, learned sages were his first teachers and as such, A'sallit's first lesson was to measure and manage his temperament above all else. Emotions rarely do so ever get the better of the man, and he always tries to make the most logical decision with the tools he's been given. While his decisions usually reflect his morality, which paint in shades of darker gray, they are always made promptly, with no hesitation, and with varying alternatives considered.
Likes ‑ orderliness, money, family.
catty ‑ cruel ‑ harsh ‑ merciless ‑ inflexible
Where patience and forbearance was carved into his bones, spite and malice seeped into his marrow. A'sallit is a man who takes note of every mishap that happens and remembers it for all eternity to come, going so far as to hold a grudge against a man for even a single crease in his pants at a formal meeting. That being said, anger and rage does not control him as most would think; it may be stored in his heart to sometimes fester, but he molds it into something quantifiable, and often thinks of ways to pit it against his enemies.
Dislikes ‑ cowards, the XIVth Imperial Legion looming nearby, the Maelstrom.
Rinascita Pendulums
As of late, Soskhatu's been pushy with regards to aesthetics. When news reached his ears that a kind of healer could harm and mend with instruments called nouliths that could come in the form of magical flintlock rifles, he jumped at the idea and immediately thrust them upon A'sallit, along with a Sage's soul crystal (that was of course, illicitly obtained). Never one to refuse his Captain, the healer picked up the ways of the Sage, no matter how much broiling hatred he held to anything remotely Sharlayan. The Red Coeurl's big three are presently armed with a gunblade, an actual gun, and floating guns, purely for the armament aesthetic. A shield healer by profession, the path of the Sage posed little issues for him to pick up; A'sallit only wishes for a smidge more mitigation.
Jebat Eureka
One of his few possessions of Thavnair, A'sallit took with him what traditional and magical healing he could in the form of a scholar's codex that remains to this day, updated.
A rare gift from a contact in Gyr Abania, he was given a strange, yet elegant grimoire that had no instructions to heal, but to harm instead. It contained curses, but also strategies to pair with them to both drain out one's enemies of their life force, both leaving them to be nothing more than a dried husk and utilizing said energies to immediately stitch the wielder together.
Wolf Musketoon
More mage than marksman, A'sallit takes no joy in this gift of a weapon that was quite literally thrusted into his arms by Captain Sosukhatu. Learn how t' shoot wit' a bleedin' gun, he said. No pirate worth him salt won't know 'ow t' shoot 'm own gun, he said.
Soul Crystals
Controlled objects otherwise given to him only on a thin level of trust and respect by the Sons of Saint Coinach, A'sallit is in possession of a pair of Scholar & Summoner soul stones that allow him to regulate the influences of the Dreadwyrm Bahamut's energies upon his exposure at Carteneau.
Slaver's Ring
A souvenir he picked up from the slaver's ship all those years ago, from a slaver captain whose finger he cut off during an interrogation at sea one fine night. He keeps the ring as a good luck charm, as well as a reminder.
Utilitarian Knife
A gift from Rorlenoux as he departed from The Red Coeurl despite their poor standing, made with multiple purposes in mind; to tear open paper, rend meat, cut rope and sunder flesh... but also, to remember the man by.
A man of orderliness, A'sallit makes sure that even at sea, he is always visually presentable. Hair always trimmed and parted at an even 7:3 ratio, clothes stiff and perfumed with attar straight from the Isles of Thavnair. If there are any bloodstains on his clothes, they'd be immediately taken care of the earliest convenience. Disciplined and a planner by nature, A'sallit ensures that no moment is wasted to idleness and procrastination. Sometimes, Captain Sosukhatu calls him out for this behaviour and encourages the tough First Mate to take it slow for once, but he rarely ever humors the notion. A'sallit's only dalliances have ever been A'leen and Rorlenoux, and once they made their way out of his life, A'sallit focused himself solely on work on board The Red Coeurl, as well as raising his child to keep himself together. Fond of overly spicy foods and sharp, tart flavours, the man's palatte is rich and so are his desires at times. He will not shy from grabbing the finer wines from the rack when an angry mood settles in his shoulders, and no one but the Captain dares refuses the First Mate a drink from the bottle. ...Even when he and Rorlenoux managed to mend fences and eventually wed one late summer afternoon, he remained the sharp, unyielding man that he was. Rumours spread far and wide that the Coldblood was looking to retire from Captain Ironeater's side, but not once has A'sallit strayed from it. After all, Rorlenoux's farm stint was but a cover, his large, elven ears pressed firmly to the ground for the Red Coeurl's benefit, and the right hand moved quickly when his own were there to listen. ![]() |
Pre-emptive Healing-Not quite like a chirurgeon nor a conjurer, A'sallit heals by way of timed mitigation and preventive measures; his magic take the form of shields that nullify damage, timed spells that only heal once a certain amount of damage is sustained by the bearer, and are formed from glyphs and formulae, compared to a conjurer's chanting and a cleric's faith. Post being exposed to the Dreadwyrm's energies, his aether capacity and thus, healing capabilities increased drastically to the point of needing a soul crystal to regulate the energies. Dreadwyrm Aether-Exposed to the Dreadwyrm Bahamut's aether in the fields of Carteneau, A'sallit's own aether was drastically changed and needed channeling by the use of a soul stone. Through extensive rehabilitation, he does not submit to its influence, rather forces said essences to submit to him instead as a source of power. As a result, A'sallit is able to wield destructive energies from the Elder Primal, without being tempered by it. Traditional Medicine-Learned in the ways of old, A'sallit still holds on to old lessons taught well and treats the crew aboard The Red Coeurl with traditional medicine; if it works, it works. Invasive Surgery-Even without magic, A'sallit is able to stitch together bodies quite well; that is the basis of any doctor before they are allowed to approach a body. Knife fighting-There has been instances where he was silenced by an opponent, or a magical nullifier was used in combat, mostly by the XIVth Legion and their advances in technology to combat the magic-dependent forces of Eorzea. To make up for this, A'sallit has been trained by the crew of the Red Coeurl as well as the Dutiful Sisters of Edelweiss in the ways of a rogue, and the man is perfectly swift on his feet and hands, even in his old age. Naturally gifted with dexterity as a Seeker of the Sun, paired with his decisive nature, A'sallit makes for a perfectly good assassin when push comes to shove, able to make quick work with even improvised weapons such as a pencil; he simply prefers to be at a distance, where it's safe. Marksmanship-No self-respecting |
To fix an appointment with the Dreadspawn...
Approach a red vassal at the docks bleached white, Bring a proposal that would turn ears far and wide, Or throw away the life you knew and to us, swear, For the banner of Limsa Lominsa we will one day rip and tear. |
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