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  • Basic Races

    1. Mundane Human (Homosapien):
      Self explanatory. Humans without any magic or supernatural abilities.
    2. Mundane Anthren (Anthrosapien):
      Anthropomorphic animals that were second-class citizens only in 1879 in developed countries. Some countries still consider them “lesser” despite UN disapproval.
    3. Mutants (Homosuperior):
      Humans and anthrens with supernatural abilities, usually activating upon puberty. They originated from one of the many Marvel universes a few years ago.
    4. Super/Metahumans and Super/Meta-anthrens:
      Humans and anthrens with abilities or features considered supernatural, from those with super strength, to skinwalkers, to witches, vampires, and werewolves.
    5. Vampires:
      Originated from INSERT MADDY’S IDEA HERE.
    6. Werewolves:
      Originating with the Norse god, Fenrir after he and his children, Hati and Skoll, bit ancient Midgardians, it spread through various cultures several thousand years ago. Skinwalkers are people able to transform into a specific animal. The more talented ones are able to shift into the form of any animal as long as they are wearing its pelt. They originated with native Americans but the practice has spread to other cultures as well.
    7. Fae/Fairies
    8. Unicorns:
    9. Witches/Warlocks and Wizards:
      Whatever the spell-casters call themselves, they are people capable of weilding magic in some shape or form.
    10. Aliens (Non-Earth beings):
      They come in all shapes and sizes across the universe. UFO sightings are no longer denied by the government with as much gusto.
    11. Elf (Light elves and dark elves):
      Originally from the realms of Alfheim and Svartalfheim respectively, Ljosalfar and Svartalfar (collectively known as “alfar” or “elves”) integrated into Midgardian/Earth society over a thousand years ago.
    12. Aesir/Asgardians:
      God-like humanoids from Asgard.
    13. Vanir:
      God-like humanoids from Vanaheim.
    14. Giants (Frost, Storm, Mountain, and Fire Giants):
      All are from Jotunnheim except for fire giants, which come from The Realm Below (underneath the dwarven world of Nidavellir).
    15. Dwarves from Nidavellir.
    16. Angels and Demons:
      Originating from Heven (angels) and Hel or The Realm Below (demons/evil spirits), these creatures have populated the Earth for millenia.
    17. Undead:
      Whether vampires or zombies or other beings not quite dead, but not quite alive, these beings are one of the most common types of supernaturals, alongside werewolves.
    18. Other, customised races built on Norse/Marvel lore include: Sentient quadrupedal canine-creatures called Jotunnhundar (frost hounds), Eldhundar (fire hounds). Frost and fire hounds are considered fae creatures and are capable of shifting to furre and elven-like forms.
  • Custom Race Pronunciation

    • Eldjotunn (Eld-yoh-ton): fire giant
    • Eldjotnar (Eld-yawt-narr): fire giants

    • Eldhund (Eld-hoond): fire hound
    • Eldhundar (Eld-hoond-arr): fire hounds

    • Jotunn (Yoh-ton): frost giant (note: there are also storm and mountain giants)
    • Jotnar (Yawt-nar): frost giants (note: all giants of Jottunheim are called Jotnar)

    • Jotunnhund (Yoh-ton-hoond): frost hound
    • Jotunnhundar (Yawt-hoond-arr): frost hounds