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Forums » The Alyrian Archives » Slave Papers: Zari (Nazarene)

Name: Zari
Nicknames: Birdy, Songbird
Chosen Job: Gatherer / sometimes Gardener

Owner: Town of Alyria
Rental Price: Dependent on the reason
Ownership Price: Discussable

Species: Phoenix
Sub-Species: Pure but often takes the form of an elven woman with feathered wings and tail
Gender: Completely female
Age: Unknown even to her. At least centuries.
Age of Appearance: 25 - 30 - Ages slowly physically (every 10 years = 1 year of age appearance). Rebirths around the physical appearance of a 20 - 21 year old.
Classification: Companion, pleasure, light labor, entertainment
Height: 5' 0"
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Availability for Auction: Not applicable at this time


Interests: Gardening / herbology, exploring the dragonhead islands, reading and writing, people watching
Hobbies: Sewing, people watching, singing, reading and writing, playing her flute
Natural Talents: Singing, dancing, gardening
Known Skills: Cooking, Gardening, Dancing - erotic, ballroom, freestyle, Grooming, Tailoring / Sewing, Flute playing
Currently In-Training For: Gatherer / Vegetation and animal documentation for Alyria, Medical (knows basic field medicine)

Physical Information

Hair: Waist length, straight as a board. Ombre fashion - starts red at the scalp, fades to orange, then to gold near the tips.
Eyes: Normal in elven shape. White sclera, black pupil. Purple iris and slightly tilted. When in phoenix form her eyes are mostly purple but also hold the swirling hues of fire within and can glow. No pupil or sclera seen.
Skin / Feathers: Skin is pale and creamy, unblemished. Ears hold a point to them and are slightly longer than normal. Feathers are a myriad of flame hues. Dominantly red with oranges and golds blended with the occasional purple and blue hinted here and there. Tail feathers are long and drag the ground, a few peacock like strands branching off.
Body Type/Build: Cisgender female. Slender, typical elvish build; angular face, pointed ears, tilted eyes. Long limbed with smallish chest, B cup, and slightly rounded hips. Dancer's body - toned but not overly muscular.
Unique Traits/Attributes: Tri-coloured hair is natural. Feathered wings at her back, a hands breath of feathers run from the base of her skull down her spine to her tail.
Scars: None in this incarnation
Piercings: Nipples - golden hoops, clitoris - golden hoop.
Tattoos/markings: None currently. She is pondering seeking some tattoos though.
Diet: Omnivorous but leans more towards vegetarianism with a preference for fruits.
Allergies: Pure Silver - burns on contact
Permanent Ailments: Amnesia - Four incarnations ago, something happened that made Zari want to Rise without her memories. The only memories she maintains from before that incarnation are the stories of her family and a fuzzy image of her mother.
Strengths: Fire, Intelligence, Problem solving, People
Weaknesses: Silver, Dragon fire, Highly physical tasks

Mental State/Profile

Personality: Outgoing, caring, charming, pleasing, easy-going, protective, loyal.
Likes: Sunlight, flying, reading and writing, songs, stories, exploring. In people she likes kindness, loyalty, willingness to protect the weak, intelligence, personality. Food she likes berries and fruits the most, favorite treat strawberries and chocolate.
Dislikes: Cold, darkness, being confined. In people she dislikes cruelty, rudeness without warrant, apathetic attitudes, disloyalty. In food she dislikes kale and deer meat.
Fears: Deep water (can't swim, newly discovered), True Death, Buried Alive
Loves: Sunbathing, Strawberries and chocolate
Attitude Towards Ownership: Had been resigned, now questionable towards personal ownership but enjoys ownership under the town of Alyria
Attitude towards others: Friendly and approachable unless they prove themselves unworthy.

OOC Information

Availability: Generally weekends. Can possibly offer short bursts of RP through the week (2 - 3 hour sessions at most). Discord RP is not completely off the table.
What do you enjoy about Master/Slave Interactions?: Generally everything. I'm not a naturally outgoing person so I rarely approach others to RP .-.
Long Term or Short term?: Either, but short term RP's will still affect Zari long term.
Post/Rp Style: Para to Multi-para usually. Very rarely semi-para. I generally try to match my RP partner but sometimes surpass. Don't let this daunt you!
Contact Information: Nazarene in Furc. Fluffy in the Alyria discord. Ask for personal discord information.

Additional Notes: It's been a long time since I've found a dream, story, and character that I feel very attached to and really enjoy RPing on and it seems with Zari and Alyria I've found all three. I look forward to helping discover the new world, document new species, and help the dream grow and I hope everyone enjoys interacting with Zari as much as I love playing her!

Character Website:
Additional Links: -- Stories and legends Zari grew up hearing that are ingrained into her being and shape much of who she is and how she reacts to dragon characters and now the world of Alyria (these stories came before my discover / invite to this dream so it's just perfect the design of the islands and the geography of it!). I recommend reading if you want answers towards some of Zari's reactions and mannerisms.