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Although the shot connected it did no damage to its tough hide, though it did stagger the beast made it go back a couple of feet.

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Cactus_Jones wrote:
Phase didn't work at all, so he took the charge which launched back into the wall which he also bounced off of. He couldn't even shoot his gun because he was on the ground in pain.

((let's do that everyone has 50/50 health and since he was wearing that armor he at 40 health now. Also, this my vengeance against you))

He struggled to get up when he did, he switched his rifle for his Cerberus, firing shells at the creatures face as he attempted another snare.

((Alright, I'm going to bed. DOn't continue without me!))

rolled 1d10 and got 8

rolled 1d10 and got 1

((Alright I'll continue it tomorrow and are you ok with that Oldtimer?))
Cervantes grunted. "I can't go into the range with my hammer to get a good force blow without being taken out by the tentacles, but the pistol can't do enough damage to its hide. The best course of action is to disable its tentacles without actually entering their range. The yellow goop was strange seemed like it could possibly be blood?" Cervantes would look around the area. "I need to get to high ground. Fast."
For the Gunslinger the shotgun exploded the glowing head off and it screamed but the other 2 quickly got in control again. But the snare once again failed which the monster quickly counter by spitting the yellow goo which was also its blood on the Gunslinger which started to sunder its armor. (Weaken the armor effectiveness)

The monster was too focused on the slinger to worry about Cervantes
The Gunslinger would throw a potion on it, as well as an antidote real quick, before trying to snare again. If it didn't work he would dodge the upcoming attack

rolled 1d10 and got 3
Potion & Antidote

rolled 1d10 and got 5

rolled 1d10 and got 3
If Snare was bad, Dodge

The pouring didn't work and missed the goo. The snare once again didn't work and seem to only enrage the beast even more. The slinger dodge was ineffective as the monster hit him with one of its tentacles and lanched back a bit.

(Gunslingers Health 35/50)
The Gunslinger would attempt to use Phase to go to the beast, before climbing up on it and trying to throw a grenade in it's mouth, before jumping off

rolled 1d10 and got 10

rolled 1d10 and got 9

The phased worked which confused the beast and left him in one place. The slinger back climbing worked and the grenade exploded the left head and making the middle head left which fueled the monster to become more feral and sporadic.
He would then try to Snare the beast once more, hoping to give time for him to heal with his last potion

rolled 1d10 and got 6

rolled 1d10 and got 2

Cervantes, using the advantage of sneaking behind the beast, grabbed his hammer and struck from behind to deal a decisive stunning blow to allow the gunslinger to finish off the beast.

rolled 1d10 and got 7

The snare almost worked and did bring a little time for the gunslinger but it wasn't much and when he went for the potion he accentually dropped the potion.

The hammer strike did not kill the monster but it did stun the thing making stay in one place for only a few seconds.
Cervantes smirked. "One more and you're done." He quickly struck it again with the hammer and retreated into the shadows in order to escape the creature's view.

rolled 1d10 and got 7

The strike finally killed the beast as the hammer broke the bones in its back. The monster seemed to have a chest in the corner right under a couple of rocks that you seem to notice.
Cervantes went over to the creature. "I'll be taking this," striking the base of the head with the sharp part of his hammer to sever it and take back to the bar as proof of his accomplishments. He quickly went over to the chest and picked it up. "I'm going back, gunslinger. Catch you later." Cervantes would use the trail back from the goo and the footprints to go back out and head to town.
Cervantes wrote:
Cervantes went over to the creature. "I'll be taking this," striking the base of the head with the sharp part of his hammer to sever it and take back to the bar as proof of his accomplishments. He quickly went over to the chest and picked it up. "I'm going back, gunslinger. Catch you later." Cervantes would use the trail back from the goo and the footprints to go back out and head to town.

He would drag the body away, hoping to sell it

Moderators: Cactus_Jones dantefrancis