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Forums » Setting and OOC Info » Continuity Rules

Starfleet has many regulations; likewise, this group needs some ground rules to help keep things fun.
  1. Respect. This is the first rule of all RP. Respect the players, respect the community.
  2. OOC vs. IC. This is the second rule of all RP. Keep Out-of-Character actions/opinions and In-Character actions/opinions separate. Always keep in mind that the player is not the character, and vice versa.
    • Characters may do things the players never would; that is part of the fun of RP. Just because one player's character says or does something your character doesn't like, you should not presume the other player is personally attacking you.
    • Just because you know something OOCly, either from speaking with the player or reading the character's profile, this does not mean your character knows it. Giving knowledge gained outside of RP to your character is called metagaming; don't do it.
  3. Canon familiarity: It's expected that you are familiar with the Star Trek universe. You don't have to have watched every episode ever, but this is a fan community. It's not for those who don't know and love Star Trek. Also, all the old shows are on Netflix...binge them!

    (Note: this is set in the continuity of the shows and original movies, not the new movies from 2009 onward.)
  4. Character limitations: It's always great to create an original character. However, please keep these character guidelines in mind before applying:
    • No canon characters or relatives/best friends of canon characters. Be more original than that.
    • No characters with supernatural powers or magical abilities, except where known to canon. That is, Vulcan mind melds, etc. are okay, but no elemental mages or paladins.
    • No godlike characters. This shouldn't need stated, but if you can't stand playing a character who isn't absolutely brimming with hidden power, is 3 meters tall, immortal, and invulnerable, this is not the place for you.
    • No Q-continuum characters except as approved by moderators for specific plots. Once in a long while we might bring in a Q antagonist, but no Q as regular players.
    • Characters should fit in the setting. If you couldn't imagine seeing the character fitting in with tje rest of the cast of the actual shows, it's not a good fit.
  5. Time considerations. This is not intended to be a fast-paced RP. We all have lives and other responsibilities. The reason this is being done on RPR via forums is to accommodate differing schedules and time zones. Therefore, don't expect a response from another character immediately. On the other hand, it is also good form to let others know if you may have a longer-than-normal delay in responding due to real-life situations.
  6. Plot focus. A lot of RP settings are focused around characters having to struggle against each other. While that certainly may happen here, one thing any fan of the Star Trek series knows is that the overwhelming majority of plots revolved around the cast having to face a common situation or threat. All crew members are on the same "team," and anyone residing on the station certainly has an interest in cooperation. It is very cold in space.

    Therefore, what we will try to do is collaboratively create stories where our characters interact with each other to solve the problems that they face. Personal scuffles may occur (it's always fun to throw a Klingon across the room), but by and large that is not the focus of this setting. After all, Starfleet officers who routinely assault their crewmates should expect to face disciplinary action, and we all know how many times Odo had to toss someone in the brig for brawling at Quark's bar.
  7. This is not D&D. I don't expect dice to be used much, if at all. We're all writing a story together. Go with what makes sense, and sometimes just what makes a better story.
  8. You are not the main character. Neither your character nor my character is the sole focus of plot. No Star Trek series ever had a single main character, and in any case nobody here is James Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, or any other canon character. That means all plots should not revolve around you, and things don't always have to work out perfectly for your character. This is called character development.

    This doesn't mean that we won't have plots where a single character is a primary focus (We have to save him, Jim, or he'll die!), but remember that nobody likes a character who walks around with a constant spotlight (Shut up, Wesley!).
  9. Have fun. That's why we're here. This is supposed to be entertaining and enjoyable for everyone. Sometimes relax and just remember it's just a game.

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Moderators: Amicitia (played by Amicitia) JT_the_Ninja