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Justice System

  • Justice System Explained

    Despite the corruption of the town's guard, Yveridia's court system is, mostly, fair and just. Once a Rat has been captured, if not necessary to derive more information from the Rat with torture, he gets placed into a cell until there can be a Court Hearing.

    The Wolves recount their telling of events-- despite corruption amongst Wolves, most recount their telling rather accurately, very rarely leaving out any detail-- any snitches remain anonymous, called "Birdies." After the recounting from the Wolves, the criminal gets to state his defense. After hearing both sides, the Judge will make a decision and decide on a fair punishment. Punishments are equal regardless of status, gender, or previous criminal history, with few exceptions.

    Certain punishments remain the same for certain crimes. They are, as follows.
    Burglary/Thievery: An X tattoo on the top of one hand. Two X tattoos on each hand are the limit before they cut your hand off.
    Arson: Hard labor for 6 months in prison camps.
    Murder: Execution only if done in cold blood. (Exceptions can be made, depending.)

    The rest are dished out on a case-by-case basis.
  • Need To Know

    If you are playing a Wolf or a Rat, this is information you would know!

    The Thieves Guild, Black Market, and Opium Bar, and Rogue's Bar:
    All have covers, but the Wolves are sharp. They know about them. However, the more crooked are paid substantial bribes in turn for turning a blind eye if need be-- The Wolves salary is very low, and the Wolves need the bribes to survive off of. If Wolves are paired, the bribes are split evenly between them.

    Normally there isn't much the local guard force does in the Cesspoole.

    The Slaving Pens and Brothel:
    These are legal, even if the types at the Brothel tend to be unsavory. The wolves don't bother them, and may even spend extra coin at the establishments.

    There is a zero tolerance for murder in Yveridia. If it happens, most Wolves do not turn a blind eye in favor of bribes. Some more corrupt wolves might, but the majority do not.

    Wolves place priority on the crimes of:
    Kidnapping, Murder, Arson, Enslavement of Townsfolk, theft over a certain value.

    All others, a Rat often easily bribes his way out of the charges, or they get placed on a backburner and ignored in favor of bigger crimes.