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Defining Our Terms

  • Racist

    We will be using "racist" in the academic sense, meaning systems that are set up in such a way that one group is disadvantaged in comparison to another group. These systems may feel normal or be invisible to nearly everyone involved. No malice or ill-intent is required for a behavior to be racist by this definition.
  • Bigoted

    We will be using bigoted to represent the more colloquial use of the word racist, ie prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. This word denotes malice or ill-intent in the action or behavior being described.
  • Fundamental Attribution Error

    AKA the "Correspondence bias" or the "over-attribution effect," this is the well-proven tendency for humans to explain a person's actions based on what KIND of person they are, rather than on social or environmental forces that influence the person, unless we are thinking about ourselves.

    For example: If someone cuts you off in traffic, you are likely to think that that person is a real jerk. But if you yourself cut someone off in traffic, you are not very likely to think that you did that because you are a jerk. Rather, you will likely attribute your accident to not feeling well, being distracted because you just had a fight with your significant other, etc.

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