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Late Start

Posted by Virus April 17th 2016, 8:45pm
This first set of RP's will be set in three different locations around El Parasio. The Beach Resort Neighborhood, the City Condos and Empowered District of El Parasion city, and the Outskirts Mountain Community. Person will be assigned an area - this will corilate to the thread you'll need to begin posting in.

Each location has its ups and downs to it.
  • If you find yourself at the Beach you are most likely an Empowered that is struggling with their ability and needs either constant government care and support or they are too injured from encounters with either another Empowered or a mob of civilians that they need medical care and rehab.
  • If you find yourself in the City Condos you are more than likely a well adjusted Empowered that has an easier time passing themselves off as normal - most of the time. This means that you can do anything you would normally do in a city setting, but with a warning that if you venture too far from the Empowered district surrounding the Condos you run the risk of potential persecution.
  • If you find yourself on the mountainous Outskirts within the gated and government regulated/controlled/funded/studied housing community you are one of the most dangerous and/or volatile Emps encountered by the government. This community has a few strict rules chief of which regards leaving without permission. And a few unspoken ones set up by the tenets that prohibit the wanton use of great power without internal punishment and retribution.

If you have not informed me that your character is finished or you haven't yet finished a character yet please let me know ASAP and get them to my attention just as quickly.

As it stands right now these are the character assignments.
I will start each thread off with a description of the location and some of the amenities, as this will be the introduction of the RP's settings and characters it will not have a set plot initially until Doc feels it is time to begin one. So all characters with have free-ish rein on their start to the RP.

As always, if you have any question all you need do is voice them!

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