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Posted by Jebidiah (played anonymously) September 2nd 2016, 11:44am
... Sorta.

In the past 24 - 48 hours, we've had at least 6 members either encounter a serious computer issue or a life issue that will prevent them from attending the Beta Launch Event. Our Beta group isn't terribly tiny, but it isn't anymore large enough that we won't notice a deficit like this. While I'm not willing to set back the entire opening (because we have been waiting even longer than you guys at this point, and we honestly do thank you for your patience), we have decided to push back the start of the dreamwide plot sequence that was set to begin today and run over the next two weeks.

Here are the answers to some questions we anticipate:

So we have to wait longer to RP?
Nope! We'll still be uploading a slightly less updated version of the map and be present (with the exception of one manager who may be too deep into a computer that shit the bed to join us today - I think she's looking for alternative means of connecting) for RP. This means that you can get to know what of the map is available and start getting familiar with your characters before you put them into the pressure of a hard plotted event. This actually probably works out for the better given that a lot of folks seem to have heavily adjusted their characters and may need some time to get to know them - and they may want to go into this plot with some acquaintances under their belts.

This also means one hell of a map update in a couple weeks.

What does this mean for today?
Not much will change outside of the fact that you won't be looking at too much in the way of dream effects and plot prompts/emits beyond the standard stuff to get us through the day.

So when WILL the first event take place?
We're unsure as of right now. We want to confirm work schedules with one another and, of course, check with you guys, first, so look forward to a little survey on that in the near future.

What IS the first event?
Ah! This comes soon -- We'll be posting an introduction to the coming event on the group forums and likely pulling together a current events page to be updated a couple times a week to keep everyone who may have missed something in the loop.

Where are you uploading and when?
We will be uploading in a temporary location in FurN (just to keep the dream from going 'public' without it actually being public) that will be announced on the forum nearer to the launch time we suspect will be around 6 PM FST. If you need a ride there, I'll also put the furc shortcut link and have the uploader on for teleport requests.

Thank you, guys, and I wish the very best (or a good time!) to everyone who is having difficulties, traveling and engaging in general life-things right now. This dream is quite literally for you guys, so we'll do everything we can to make sure you all have an opportunity to enjoy it.

See ya'll at 6!

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