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Come scorching sun or acid rain, it is always business as usual within Fort Cheyenne's immediate area. The frequently unpredictable and otherwise only just livable environment lends little excuse to those dwelling within it, and for the hundreds of men, women and children that manage to support many of their most basic needs through labor and perseverance, an undeniably necessary secondary group of survivors exists - the merchants.

With their goods and services ranging from drinking water and clothing to herbal remedies and hexes, there is never any shortage of either roaming or stationary vendors to meet the many needs of locals.

Local businesses can be classified as one of two basic types with a few pronounced differences between those within a single classification. Stationary businesses are those housed in specific locations be it that they were maintained or acquired before or after the restructuring; they tend to be held by families or communities rather than lesser organized or linked groups of individuals, and are often tied directly to a faction or leading group that provides protection and/or additional labor for the business in exchange for goods or service renderings. Because of the allowances around space and access to specific groups of survivors, these businesses tend to be able to tailor themselves to their customer bases, adding and subtracting from their inventories as the demands on them shift.

Roaming or mobile businesses rose up from unmet needs following the early years of the restructuring. These businesses are typically run by smaller groups - typically one or two survivors - and make their ends by migrating between settlements and encampments, haggling with locals for whatever their primary means of currency is at the time in exchange for the goods offered; this often means the chance for picking up items and plants common to one region and being in a position to present said common item to a region where it is not readily available, if at all. However, given the nature of this form of business, a reliable transportation method for both the merchant(s) and goods is required, along with a fair reputation and a certain level of impartiality to maximize clientele.
⌦ Current/Open for Service

The below businesses and positions are recognized within the game itself, meaning they are applicable for use in general landmarking, mapping and plots within the dream on whole. The included businesses must have either been proven in the way of existing use and demand within RP or presented by a character in good standing to be included on this list. New/start-up businesses created by new characters will likely not be added here due to the unlikelihood of their success.

*Note: These businesses may list a priority or less than comprehensive list of their accepted currencies; to get a true grasp of what is accepted, it is best to speak to the proprietor. High acceptance/rare currencies that will receive the highest trade rates will be marked with an (H), while standard or uncommon will be marked with an (S). Any items that are overly abundant and likely to fetch lower haggle worth are marked by an (L).


The Spread - Outskirts of Swan Hallow

Goods/Services Provided:
Currencies Accepted:
Protective Unit:
Offerings 'Menu':

Base General Store & Pawn Shoppe - Fort Cheyenne

Owner/Proprietor: NPC - Claire Daynes
Goods/Services Provided: General local goods and excess sell-off from the Fort kitchens, gardens, livestock and sewing house
Currencies Accepted: Local (S) and Precious (H) goods.
Protective Unit: The Fort Cheyenne Volunteer Guard
Offerings 'Menu': Soon


Jeb's Acquisitions and Goods - Migratory
; Frequents Faction Bases and Larger Encampments (15+ Survivors)

Owner/Proprietor: Jebidiah Hollowell
Goods/Services Provided: Range of goods gathered, prepared and traded along his travel path, specific acquisition requests/bounties and fulfillment for more rare or hard to come by items
Currencies Accepted: Regional goods (H), specialty herbal remedies and medicines (H), curing and seasoning agents (H), various other goods (S to L)
Protective Unit: None.
Offerings 'Menu': Link Soon

⌦ Available to Own

The businesses below are those that have been abandoned or otherwise remain uncontrolled despite being in operable condition. They can require either plot or OOC application to claim and any standards around that will be listed in the hiring section.

⌦ Closed/Unrecovered

The businesses here have been closed or otherwise grossly neglected and are no-longer fit for use as they stand. While they are usually recoverable, much effort will be required to bring them back to a customer-ready build. Many of these locations will be utilized as raiding locations.


As is the case from time to time within any civilization, businesses - even those that are privately held - may occasionally find themselves in a position to hire for a variety of reasons and positions. When this is the case, the positions offered will be listed below. Furthermore, businesses that are up for grabs can also be found - particularly those with a 'staple' or dream-mandatory status. More specific faction-related positions can be found on individual faction boards if they are not listed below.

⌦ Help Wanted!

* Note: These positions may or may not be repetitive when compared against individual faction ads and events.

None yet!

Moderators: Zemorah (played anonymously) Marrianne (played anonymously) Godaivah (played anonymously) Jebidiah (played anonymously) Letitia (played by Keke) Lennon (played by Keke)