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There's a lot of information here. What do I really need to read to start RPing?

That's going to depend very much on how involved you want to be with the dream's overall plotline. As a rule, some understanding of the factions and how, why and where they each operate will probably be the most beneficial to anyone just in the interest of keeping things consistent with regards to character placement.

For anyone looking to roll pretty heavy into the dream's timeline, knowledge of the outbreak itself and what has happened in the aftermath will be very helpful in decisions around tech, the geography of the country (and thus the places it would make sense to be from), and general IC allowances. Some information on who's who, native plants and resources, and deficits in the region in which your character will be doing the majority of their play will also be necessary to ensure that your character is keeping to what's practical for that area.

Everything else is extra, there for reference or for the folks like us who bask in those little details we can throw into a post to make it that much more believable!

Can a leading group or sub-faction be overtaken/overthrown/usurped?

You bet your popsickle sticks they can, but we ain't tellin' no secrets!

Once the population is high enough, or if there is enough interest, we may put out a little sub-faction checklist, just so that any potential usurpers or revolutionaries can be up on their game! ;)

Can I create my own faction or sub-faction?

The short answer is absolutely!

The long answer is that, while you may have a faction that you and your friends recognize, chances are it will not be recognized with any quickness by the dream on whole. That is not to say that the 'primary three' can't be overtaken, change hands or be combined/dissolved. It does mean that it'll take a lot of hardcore RP to make it happen.

Sub-factions will follow much the same rules, though it is far more likely that they'll become absorbed into the dream canon more quickly and with more ease. They may even make it easier to sneak up on a full-faction position with some patience and strategic persuasion of the locals...

Once the population is high enough, or if there is enough interest, we may put out a little sub-faction checklist, just so that any potential usurpers or revolutionaries can be up on their game! ;)
Q: How 'strict' is the RP here?

It is both commonly strict given the adult content, ongoing plot and lore, and not strict at all. Bare with me --

This dream will run on two planes that are, for a lack of a better term, parallel, but very loosely connected.

One will be maintained by the owners, encouraged by the staff and is entirely dependent upon the active population. This is what most would call 'strict' RP. This is the plane of RP that will adhere to the lore, always work within the current allowances for technology, and both revolve around and drive the world plot. It will also ultimately be the primary advancement point and guide for the storylines of those who become BETA or approved characters. This is not, however, a requirement to play in the dream, nor is it a hard requirement for all of any particular player's characters - for instance, your character 'SuperApocMan' might be approved and follow dream lore and storylines, but you just like to casually RP in the dream for setting reasons or just for a change of scenery on your other character, 'NotSoApocMan'.

The other plane is one that is far more loose from the RPer's perspective, with more allowances around things that may not exactly be canon or adhere to the lore. This is where species or events that might not fit the dream timeline or tech-base will be perfectly acceptable; where you'll find the 'NotSoApocMan' type characters. This is where RP becomes more open and without the call for strict RP guides or character approval in the initial runs. However, in the interest of maintaining the continuity and story we have built, we will ask that these characters and RP types be kept to private events with the expectation that these characters will not be linked to world or faction events.

So it's up to you, really, and if you ever have any questions as to whether or not your character will fit the dream mold, we're happy to clear things up!
I have an existing character I'd like to alter to bring into Fort Cheyenne. Can someone help me with that?

Absolutely! Feel free to follow our character creation guide and adjust your character accordingly. Reach out to one of the GMs if you require further assistance, or submit them for approval!
I have a character from an existing RP that I don't really want to alter at all before bringing them into Fort Cheyenne. Is that cool?

Absolutely. This character will come in as a non-approved character and will not require any sort of invitation or application to the dream, though bear in mind that this also means they will have limited access to dream-wide plots or dream-sanctioned events.
What are 'canon businesses'?

Canon businesses, simply put, are the businesses that are required to be maintained in the larger scheme of things and world storyline. These are business/establishments that have footholds in the lore, or have made significant differences to the everyday life of the people and creatures of FC and the surrounding areas. These are businesses that if they went under, they'd need to be very quickly replaced to maintain the survivability rates of this post-modern land. They are officially recognized by the dream and will likely be included in future dream and faction/region plots.
Can I create my own 'canon business'?

Not initially, no. You can't really sign onto a canon business to start. But you can create a business and gear it toward canonizing! Once it becomes the sort of thing that is known across a region/faction or better, a few of them, it'd probably only be a matter of time! (If you think your business is ready, asking doesn't hurt, though!)
How do I become an employee for a Canon Business?

This isn't tough! It just requires a little bit of time and dedicated RP, probably not unlike what would be required of junior staff or trial staff members in other dream populations prior to application or invitation. While characters may be approached to man these dreams on an invitation-only basis, the easiest way to show your interest in holding or working for a canon business would be to let us know! We are far more interested in people who are actively seeking a role that enriches the community than we are attempting to cherry-pick folks who may not have the time or motivation.

Lastly, 'Beta' testers will have first glimpses of the business and character slots that will be up for grabs, so if you're already of a mind to get yourself deeply involved in the dream plot, getting your hands on a Beta invitation is the way to do it!
Werewolves are life! Where do they fall in?

For the purposes of this dream, were-creatures of any sort will be considered mutants rather than furres or humans, meaning that they will be treated as such unless they mask the effects of their mutation in some respect - (i.e., a werewolf who is mindful enough to distance himself from the Purist camp around the full moon/triggers to avoid being found out).

While we'd like to keep this sort of mutation to an uncontrolled event - such as a full moon cycle - we do understand that there are folks who like to have some power over their character's shifting. Either of these types are, of course, fine within the dream, though for the moment, and in order to maintain the look and feel of having little or no 'magical' elements outside of the furre realms, non-moon cycle shifters will be kept to the unapproved/loose dream line.

Moderators: Zemorah (played anonymously) Marrianne (played anonymously) Godaivah (played anonymously) Jebidiah (played anonymously) Letitia (played by Keke) Lennon (played by Keke)