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Forums » Open worlds » The Rotones and Sophie

@? fuchsia?
It's a kind of pink. There are lots of names for different shades of colors.
[:]) Oh. Okay.

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0u0 *opening the side door, ribbon says* ready to buckle up? ^u^
7BD "ride agan!" *hops in, getting in the back*
][(] all ready. ... ][|] *gets in the back as well, followed shortly by marlow who warps into place* =[|:|3D]
[==@] *spread overtop the passenger seat, securing themselves* weareready.
[:]D Yeah! *climbs in and up onto their seat*
Thanks, Mack. *gets in the front seat and buckles up*
][(] your welcome. I'll, get to work on that key when we get home. ][|] *secures himself*
7BD ! =[|:|3D] *are ready, and buckled up*
0~0 o, k... 0u0 all buckled up. ^u^ *flys in and buckles up herself, her wings layed down and back, as out of the way as they can be* 0u0
[==@] everyoneisready. Wearegoinghome.
Alright. *puts the car into drive, and off they go...*
[:]) @)
[==@] *the darkmatter would give directions home, making special notice of the place where you'd have to go off road*
^u^ *ribbon spent nearly the whole trip back moving her wings up and down the tiniest bits, making sure not to obstruct your veiw*
*and, home*
[|]) *Hamnet dozed off on the way back, tired from a day of flying and running around*
@) seetheminethere!
*parks the car back where they started*
][:] m-k, everyone on out. you go on and head back in, i'll handle the van. ][:]
7Bo ... ? ! 7BD *starts paying attention again, and starts unbuckling* 7B3
0u0 ^u^ time to wake up sleepy head. 0u0
=[|:|3D] CakE! AnD DrawinG! =[|:|3D] *warps out*
[==@] *get up from off the seat, floating out of the van* thankyouMack. [=@=]
@) *mentally nudges Hamnet to help wake them up*
[|]? Mmh? [:]? [:]) We're here!
*unbuckles and gets out of the van, then opens Hamnet and Factor's door* Yes, we are.
7B? "mmMM!" *makes a noise, waiting for the people in the mid-row of seats to get out so that he can get out easily* 7B?
0u0 annd, *unbuckles Hamnet, then herself, getting out* there. ^u^
][:] *is much more patient* ][:]
=[|:|DD] *warps away, most likely to inside the mines*
[=@=] *are waiting near where Hamnet and Factor are going to get out* sowhatdidiyouthinkofthetrip [==^]
*lifts Hamnet out of the van and sets them on the ground* There you go.
[:]D We like the zoo!
@) lotsofcats! andnewthingseverywhere!
[=^=] wellwehopetobeabletohelpteachyounewthingseveryday. [==@]
7BD "Yea! The cats!" 7BO "ooh! an the Catfish!" 7BD *gets out, and starts scampering for the entrance*
^u^ thats Great! 0u0 there'll be even more new things at the bigger zoo, but thats for another day. ^u^
][:] *with everyone else out, Mack goes to turn the van off, and capchalog it*
[:]P Yeah... *doing things another day sounds better to them*
@) welikenewthings.
That's a good thing to like. Come on, let's go inside.
*headed inside, a pair of confeti poppers go off from the ends of genral's arms*
|8| ... |8|
*a pair of cakes can be seen on the table. one looks to be chocolate, the other looks to be strawberry* =:) I DIDN'T KNOW WHICH KIND TO MAKE, SO I MADE TWO! =:D
*the words, "congratulations Ribbon!" can be seen on both cakes in sky blue frosting*
0-0 ! ^U^ Oh! Thankyou! 0U0
[=@=] [=^=] ...
=[|:|DD] CakE LookS GooD! =[|:|DD]
][:] [[:] *doesn't really like all the shouting, but understands how great this is* ][:] ][(] cogratz!
*she laughs; Onponn's really gone all-out with the celebration!*
[:]? @? *they're initially startled by the commotion, but since everyone else looks happy about it, they decide it's okay* [:]D @D
=:D So you had found a nurse at the zoo?! =:D
^U^ YES! 0u0 she was very nice about it, and the only things she seemed to force were puns. ^u^ hehe! 0u0 we were thinking of getting her a thankyou gift. ^u^
=[|:|D3] I AdvisE A FisH! =[|:|DO] OH! AnD MaybE A DrawinG! =[|:|33]
=:) Well a thankyou is certainly in order. She's helped Heal you! =:D *goes to cut the cakes as she speaks*
][(] ... ][:] *goes to try and figure the keys issue* ][:]
|8| *goes to clean up the confetti* |8|
[=@=] weareverythankfulthatthiswasabletohappen. everythingismuchbetterwithRibbonrestored. [=^=]
7BO- *is waiting for a slice of strawberry cake* 7BD-
Yes. It is.
[:]) Cake? *goes to wait with Nyx*
=:D want some cake Sophie? =:) yes, cake. and what kind would you like Hamnet.
7BD *takes his slice, stepping away and eating it right from the plate* 7B3
=[|:|33] *is happy watching everyone act happy. cake isn't a priority* =[|:|33]
^u^ *happily hovers up behind Hamnet and Factor in line* 0u0
][:] *is searching through things on a terminal* ][:] ...
[==@] ... [=@=]
[:]? [:]) Don't know what they are!
Maybe a little bit of each for you, then, to try. I'll have chocolate.
0u0 and strawberry for me please.
=:D ok! *gets Hamnet two half-slices, and gets you and Ribbon your chocolate and berry* =:) there you go.
^u^ thankyou! 0u0 *goes to sit and eat*
7BD *is already half done scarfing down his first slice*
][:] I'll have a choc for when I'm done here.
=[|:|33] WilL TakE OtheR SlicE TesT HalveS.
[==@] *cake eating as a party puts a damper on interaction*
|8| *recycles the confetti, every last bit cleaned up*

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod