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Forums » Earth » The Tour of the Dreadnaught

After a couple hours of work, Treads decided to have a walk around the Dreadnaught, maybe give Cadence a tour when she woke up. He gently lifted her up from where he'd left her, trying not to wake her, before placing her on his shoulder and walking off. While Traeds' shoulder was flat, and devoid of any bumps or spikes, that didn't make it too comfortable.
Cadence opened her eyes slightly, she had been completely unaware that she had even fallen asleep in the first place.
She then found there was a sort of rocking motion from where she was lay and she sat up startled.
" where am I?! " she looked around and then Let out a small yell when she found a large metal face right next to her.
" aahh! "
She then recalled what had happened recently and let out another yell " aaah! I wanna go home! "
She turned to the metal face angrily " take me home " she frowned.
"I'm sorry but Starscream would have my spark if I sent you home."Treads said. "But as a guest I can see that your needs and wants are met if that is any concollation"Treads offered.
Cadence frowned " I hate starscream " she then jumped off treads and slid across the floor before getting up and beginning to run in a random direction in which she hoped was the way to ' starscream '
She was gonna give this guy a piece of her mind.
Treads, the Dreadnaught

"Whoa! Wait up!"Treads said. He chased after Cadence, pushing vehicons they passed to the side so they wouldn't squash her. Eventually Cadence found her way into the bridge. Starscream was pacing, while Skywarp and Thundercracker remained behind him, with a voice speaking. Up on the 'windshield' was a decepticon, clearly not a normal one though, and it was in some kind of room, the 'windshield' must've been a type of communication system or a giant TV. The decepticon on the screen was large, about the same size as Treads. His chest was flat with a bright purple to it. Most of his dermal plates were purple or grey. His face, or lack there of, was a single large red eye. "And what do you mean you can't send us any reinforcements or Predacons?!"Starscream said. He knew Shockwave wouldn't contribute to his efforts with out some logical reasoning for it. "I don't know if you realize this Shockwave, but we have Autobots back on Earth! And from what Thundercracker has researched, msot are veteran Warriors! Scrap, one's even a retired Wrecker!"Starscream said.
Shockwave looked at starscream before saying "Starscream sending more reinforcements and predacons would be both illogical and a waste of resources especially when ordered to go after veteran autobots. They would better serve the deceptions here on cybertron than on earth messing with primitives and their useless technology." He did not notice Cadence while he was talking to starscream.
Treads, The Dreadnaught

"So your predacons would be better off fighting the autobots that snuffed Lord Megatron?"Starscream asked. "You could atleast send over a few of your feral insecticons. I'm certain Blackarachnia and Waspinat... Blackarachnia could use them to great effect."Starscream said. "Besides, I have a ticket to the autobot base. All I'd need is a few Predacons to crush them!"Starscream said, hoping this would be enough to get some back up.
Meanwhile cadence had been busy trying to listen to the conversation,ignoring the pounding in her head, geez these were really bad robots... she had caught onto a few words. That made her a tiiiiny bit mad.
" Primatives?! " she nearly screamed " who are you calling primatives?! Just because your bigger than us doesn't make you any better! "

She stomped her foot for emphasis and put her hands on her hips.

" why am I even here anyways?! " she said beginning to talk to herself " oh I don't know, let's take a kid away from her home and take her some place she doesn't even know! With giant talking robots " she gestured to starscream " that have really annoying voices!! " she paused " that have really bad auras... " she muttered the last bit as yet another pound came to her head.
Decepticons, The Dreadnaught

Every run in the room turned, facing Cadence. "Ah scrap..."Treads said. Starscream's claws closed around Cadence's shirt. "Why did you let the human escape your supervision!"Starscream said angrily, approaching Treads. "Well, she ran off!"Treads responded, before Starscream's free hand collided with his face. The smack clearly did nothing to the tank. "And why didn't you grab her?!"Starscream asked. "She's tiny and fast!"Treads responded. "I should've left Rotor in charge of her... Don't let her out of your sight again!"Starscream said, placing Cadence back into Treads' hands. "Uh... sorry... It won't happen again I swear!"Treads said. He would've been giving a sheepish smile if he had a mouth.
Shockwave was still on the screen and saw everything before saying "The fact that a lone primitive human was able to escape your clutches proves my point further why I shouldn't send the reinforcements starscream!....." He looked at treads before looking back at starscream and saying "I am currently cloning more of my predacons however they are more challenging than the last kind which might yield better combat results when deployed. My calculations indicate that they would be finished within four Solar cycles (4 days) if my work goes undisturbed. However if you are able to find anything that could aid in my work them i might consider sending you more that just them. In the mean time I believe it would be logical to suggest that you find several 'restraints' for the human and make due with what you have."
Cadence threw an empty can she had picked up from somewhere at the screen, hitting the place where the giant robots eye would have been. It bounced off the screen, cadence didn't care.
" I am not Primative! " she yelled angrily at the screen. " jerk... " she muttered.
She contemplated throwing her penknife, but thought better of it from the look treads was giving her.
" what! " she frowned at him.
Decepticons, The Dreadnaught

"Understood."Starscream said glancing back at Shockwave before the call was terminated. "Keep track of that Rodent! I will NOT have it roaming the ship!"Starscream said angrily, shoving passed Treads. "Understood lord Starscream."Treads said. "Look you can't just wander around the ship Cadence. Firstly humans aren't supposed to be here, if you wander around unsupervised one of the others here might kill you. Scrap, they might not even mean to kill you since half of them aren't looking down when they walk."Treads explained. "Plus if I don't keep my optics on you, Starscream might stick you with Rotor. I can promise you that you don't want to be under Rotor's supervision."Treads explained.
" why? " cadence said as the pounding disappeared from her head. Meanwhile she was thinking: ' heck I don't care anyway, my grandad was in the army and I can look after myself perfectly well '
But she still cared, this ' rotor ' guy sounded really mean. And she wanted to know why.
Treads, The Dreadnaught

"Because Rotor's a scientist. And he's not too mentally stable. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to dissect you."Treads explained, leaving the Bridge.
Cadence stiffened, before shivvering and sitting down, tucking her legs up to her body.
" I think I'll stay with you " she said quietly.
Earlier she had been very hungry, now she just felt sick. She wanted to go home, it didn't matter how many times she said it, these ' cybertronians ' wouldn't listen to her.
She felt tears pricking her eyes and she rubbed them furiously with the back of her shirt.
Treads, The Dreadnaught

"Why are your eyes leaking?"The tank asked when he noticed Cadence crying. "Uh... is there anything you need to keep functioning?"Treads asked, unaware of basic human biology.
" my eyes aren't leaking " Cadence mumbled, burrying her head into her jacket. She paused, and suddenly remembered how hungry she had been earlier. " food, water and sleep " she replied, sighing.
Treads, The Dreadnaught

"Okay, I'm sure we can get that. I don't think you'll be here too long. Once Starscream gets the coordinates to the autobot base from your friends, or the Autobots themselves I promise you'll be let go."Treads reassured. "Now, I think we should give you a tour of the Dreadnaught"Treads said, setting Cadence on his shoulder.
cadanece clung onto the armour desperatly as trreads began to walk.
" why cant i go home now? why are you even keeping mke here? " she asked again for the millionth time today
Treads, The Dreadnaught

"Because, Starscream needs you in order to get the coordinates to the autobot base from either your human friends, or the autobots themselves."Treads explained. "Uh, this is the Ground Bridge."Treads explained, indicating the ground bridge after he passed it. "I have no idea how to work it though"Treads said.