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"Are we there yet?" The lavender and green femme stretched her arms, they reached above her head toward the ceiling. "We've been on this ship for days! We have to be close to something."
Roadkill, nearing Earth

"Hey! Hold yer spark plugs! We're approach'n a planet. Ah've heard the ball of rock's full of energon, and has a local autobot group."He said as he steered the ship into Earth's atmosphere.

Oop: Imagine Roadkill's speech being in a western accent.
Oop: Not that hard since I live in the West XD

Epsilon sat up as she looked out to see Earth. "It has a bit of a shine to it. Does that mean it has the atmosphere to hold life and such?" A cracking sound then a cuse word screeched from the screen in front of her. "Oh no, I missed that!" Epsilon rewinds the video to watch the scene again, she giggled. "Who ever made these videos is a genius!"
Roadkill, nearing Earth

"Uh-huh. Well, let's try to land on it with out crashing."Roadkill said, heading down to the blue planet.
"When you say "let's", do you mean "let us" or you will try not to crash the ship?" Epsilon asked
Roadkill, Nearing Earth/Entering Earth's atmosphere

"Uh... ah dunno. Just what ah say sometimes."He replied. The ship began to shake as it broke Earth's atmosphere.
Epsilon held onto the ship as the ship broke into the atmosphere.
Roadkill, Earth

The ship broek through, soaring in the air above the planet's surface. "A'right, we're cruis'n smoothly over... uh... what ever that blue stuff down here is."Roadkill said, looking down at the ocean below them.

Oop: I don't think they'd know what water is.
"It looks like it's moving" Epsilon explained, "I don't think it's a solid surface."
Roadkill, over pacific ocean

"Probably not. Looks kinda like non glowing darker colored Energon."Roadkill said.
"Kinda" Epsilon didn't really see the resemblance.
Roadkill, Pacific Ocean/California

After a while of cruising the ship came upon land. "Okay, just need to find a place to land at...."Roadkill said to himself.
"How about those mountains further inland?" Epsilon asked, "I'm sure we could find a safe place there"
Roadkill, California mountains

Roadkill nodded his helm, flying into the mountains. He landed in a small canyon, before exiting the ship. "Alright, go scout the area out. Wouldn't kill us to get accustomed to the native wild life and customs."Roadkill ordered, before shifting into the form of a Cybertronian truck and driving off.
Epsilon got up from her seat then transformers as she drove out of the ship. She wondered the landscape, staying out of sight. After a while, she found an open area that was filled with vehicles and little houses on wheels. There were a few flimsy houses that could easily be pushed off the mountain by the wind. Epsilon kinda felt bad for whoever lives in those structures.
Roadkill, California mountains

Roadkill stopped when he saw a road. He saw several vehicles pass by. "Huh... they look weird...."Roadkill said. He soon noticed an orange hummer pass by. "Okay, I take that back"He said, scanning the vehicle and shifting into his new alt. mode, before joining the other cars on the road. "Hey, found a road with some kind of eh..... dunno if ah should call 'em cybertronians or just vehicles, but there's alot of 'em."Roadkill said over the comms.
"I think I found a little village" Epsilon replied, "I don't know what the inhabitants are like." She sees a green sedan, she scans the vehicle to be her new form. "Do you wish for me to investigate?"
Roadkill, California mountains

"No. Atleast if any one's there no. Ah don't recon there'd be a problem if yer alone"Roadkill said.
"Alright, then I'll head over to your location" Epsilon starts driving to Roadkill's approximate location.
Roadkill, California mountains

"A'right. Ah'll stop here then."Roadkill said, pulling onto the side of the road.