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I've been working on the Imperial House of Chalismartel, but I reckon some more work needs to be done with the other two royal houses in attendance at the tourney; King Garrold's House Maervagard, which is hosting his birthday event, and House Maure of Beauvralde, which doesn't even have a name for its king yet!

I would like to use this thread to iron out the details with Garrold and Adelbard (and anyone else who's interested), and see about populating those households, and tossing in some more Dominions and Vassal Houses too.
In a twist of fate, Beauvralde actually has a queen instead of a king. Queen Murielis Maure (age 32) vied for the throne when her father passed away at a young age of a sleeping sickness. Since he had no sons, there was an ugly battle of succession between Murielis and two of her cousins, Cleolsey and Larald. Murielis is sharp-witted and has a head for "the family business," and ultimately came out on top ... assisted by the fact that Cleolsey died of a mysterious flu and Larald was crippled in an equally mysterious riding accident. Murielis denies any involvement. This all took place within a decade, and Murielis was quick to secure her position by marrying Rinon Sounarde. The Sounardes have always been powerful but loyal vassals of House Maure.

Rinon is known to be doting towards his queen, and highly permissive. Although he is the king, Murielis has no intentions of taking the Sounarde name, and has passed the Maure name onto their children. Rinon is still known as a Sounarde. This has, of course, raised a few eyebrows at court.

Murielis is currently around six months pregnant. She has two other children, a daughter named Belsant (age 6) and a son named Vonert (age 2).
That is all great stuff!

Technically, it wouldn't matter if Rinon was king, because he's not of the royal blood. Officially he'd be considered only the King Consort, like Prince Phillip of England to Queen Elizabeth. Murielis is still the head of the Royal Family, and she would still keep the Maure name no matter who she married.
For the house of Maervagard, it'd probably need to be the most populated right?
Archduke Garrold wrote:
For the house of Maervagard, it'd probably need to be the most populated right?

Not necessarily, though there would likely be a few more members in addition to Garrold and Scirye. A wife, other children ... if Garrold has brothers or sisters or cousins ... etc. Of course, he might not have any of those, which would be risky for him--that would mean that it's just him and Scieye in the dynasty, and if they were killed, there would be a battle of succession. That tension might be interesting! It depends on what you're going for. Garrold's wife (be she deceased or living) could even be from one of the other royal houses.
Garrold's wife was a peasant before he married her and he has a son that's younger than his daughter. He also has a younger brother who has two daughters. That's pretty much it besides a cousin who's a nun with a dying father. (made that up on the fly to add more people to Garrold's family)
I've updated the House of Maervagard with the members of the household.

I also added the heraldry of the noble House of Eckbert, represented by Lady Knight Myantha.

We know also now know that the ruling family of Deucalund are the Brundinbergs.