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Forums » Government Facility » Through the gates

The facility is made up of a large building, at least three floors obvious from the outside but the interior may contain more lower floors. The area between the fence and the building is empty dirt, easy to keep watch over should any intruders appear. Sentries stand tall on top of the third story roof carrying sniper rifles. There is an entryway into the building in the front (west) and to the south.
(Mind if I drop in here? If not, I'll go where needed)

KopyCat had gotten out.


Never mind that it was noted several times that it required high priority containment procedures. Never mind that the facility was seemingly rigged against it. Never mind that it was under constant surveillance. KopyCat had gotten out for the fifth time in the past two weeks. You think the brainwashed government employees in charge of the place would have kept a better eye on the kreep, but no.
Taking the form of an ordinary guard, KopyCat walked the halls of the facility, imitating to his best knowledge what was standard procedures for it's current form's status. It kept an eye out for only two things. One being a room where supplies were kept, the other was for anything or anyone that would compromise it's disguise.
A guard stands infront of a door to another hallway infront of Kopycat. "Devin! It's good to see you man. What have you been up to?" He hailed the seemingly inocent looking guard that approached him.
Excellent timing. Looks like it's new disguise would be more successful than the last one. KopyCat hailed the other guard in a similar fashion and quickened over to his location. It put on the best worried expression it could.

"Whew! Thank goodness you're here. Listen, it hasn't been going so well for me, and I need some help right away. Turns out that the monster in containment chamber 15 escaped again. I was on a bit of a scheduled break, so I don't have any tranquilizers or weapons on me right now and I'm going to be honest, I'm freaked out. I need to get re-stocked ASAP, but I'm not going alone with THAT thing roaming around. Mind if we go together? I'll follow you. You're already armed anyways, so it'd be best if you led the way."

All the while it was "nervously" explaining the situation, KopyCat made sure to make plenty of gestures with it's hands. Humans did that when they were stressed and scared, right? Point and move their hands around to convey emotion? It constantly had to mentally remind itself not to over do it. This could be it's chance at freedom.
"Damn man. You seem a little weird but if we have another escapee... Damn. She's going to have our heads if we get another one out. Did you hear? The other day, the werewolf got out and took the new one out with him." He waved Devin on, leading the way through the corridor to the employee break room.
KopyCat remembered the incident. The glass lab-room walls were fond to it, because it could easily peer into a few other chambers and imitate something a lot more threatening. When the whole werewolf incident happened, KopyCat was able to witness the whole escape. If a crazed werewolf and a tar monster could get out of containment so easily, who was to say that KopyCat couldn't?

That being said, KopyCat aimed to make this escape much less of a scene than the werewolf's. Less blood and gore, less ransacking. Just good, clean, confusion. Shrugging off the need to ask who "she" was, KopyCat followed the guard through the break room and to a medium-sized supply room. Excellent.

"Alright, this will be quick." KopyCat said as the door was opened. Quick indeed. KopyCat had every part of it's plan already formulated. KopyCat looked over it's shoulder and made a very audible gasp, pretending to be shocked. "There it is! Quick, quick, we can't let it see us or it will turn into one of us! Lets hide in the supply room, hurry!" KopyCat ducked into the supply room, flicking the lights off as it hurried in.
The guard looked over his shoulder in surprise. Just as Devin rushed pass him into the storage room, the guard's earpiece buzzed. He pressed the button, and listened to orders over the earpiece. His eyes narrowed as he listened. "I have my eyes on Devin now." He said quietly, staring at the dark doorway. He listened to another order. "Hey Devin. Where's your earpiece?" He asked, not stepping through the doorway.
Hidden in the dark room, KopyCat winced. Of course the earpiece it had wasn't functional, it was part of it's disguise. That was the reason it had needed to go to a supply room, the gun and tranquilizer that were part of the original disguise didn't function. Clever of the guard to ask such a peculiar question. Maybe they weren't as stupid as it thought.

"Oh, my earpiece? I uh, dropped it! I dropped it when I was hurrying to see you, of course! The monster... it uh, startled me! Ran as fast as I could! Aheheh, just let me get a new one!"

KopyCat had one advantage. It could see the guard, but the guard couldn't see it. The darkness in the storage room was to it's benefit, and this situation would be a make-it or break-it moment. It fumbled around in storage boxes in a haste, keeping a close eye on the door.

"Oh Devin, you're so forgetful." It chuckled to itself.
"That's funny, because Devin just reported in..." The guard may be slow mentally, but his physical form sure wasn't. He leveled his gun at Devin still inside the dark room and shot wildly.
There is a horrible hissing sound as well as the sound of boxes falling over.
The false Devin screeches in pain at first, but the screech quickly turns into a wicked laugh. KopyCat's disguise is busted.
The guard can just barely make out the form of Devin twisting and contorting into the floating head of KopyCat. Disturbing, to say the least.
Where there once was darkness, there is now a mirror brightly reflecting the light from outside, a pair of reflective purple eyes, and a huge grin of gnarled teeth. There's something in it's mouth, pointed straight at the guard.

"Hey, look! No hands!" It says, slightly muffled by the obtrusion.

The light flickers on. It's a blow dart gun, and it's full of tranquilizer darts.

KopyCat blows into the dart gun, firing tranquilizers at the guard.
The guard slumps on the ground unconcious. A voice shouts from the earpiece but it is muffled unless one were to put it to their ear.
KopyCat spits out the blow dart gun and flashes another grin.
Not exactly what it wanted to have happen, but it still worked out.
Its mirror glows a purple color and its form changes to that of the guard it just knocked out. KopyCat steals the working gun and other useful objects from the guard to solidify it's new disguise. Grabbing the earpiece, it presses the button and pretends to breathe heavily.

"Sorry for the silence! The situation went sour and I had to act. "Devin" here was the monster after all. Tried to change it's disguise in the supply room. The monster is out and on the floor. Repeat; The monster is out and on the floor. Supply closet by the break room. Out."

While it's there, KopyCat re-stocks on ammunition for the gun, as well as extra tranquilizers. It waits for the voice to return on the earpiece.
"Understood. Bring subject down to sub level five." A brisk female voice says through the earpiece.
Sub level five? There were floors below ground? KopyCat found this bit of information intriguing. It had only seen the overground three layers of the building on its various escapades. Interesting.

However, down was not where KopyCat had wanted to go. It had wanted to go out. A sour expression crossed it's face momentarily. This would require a bit more... effort than it was hoping for. Going down meant there would be more security, more monsters, and less leeway for escape.

On the other hand, if KopyCat was to be a successful mimic, it would have to follow this order. It pressed the earpiece button. "Roger that." KopyCat replied to the woman on the other end. Its face contorted into a nasty frown as it uttered those words. Escape would have to wait just a little bit.

Shiftily looking left and right as it dragged the body across the floor, KopyCat entered the nearest elevator and pressed the button that would take it to sub level five.

KopyCat retained the most professional look it could muster. It had no idea what it was about to get itself into.
"Please state your name and id number." A gender neutral voice inside the elevator requested.

If given the wrong name, number, or verification phrase, the elevator would alert the guards to apprehend the subject upon exiting the elevator. There would be no escape from within the elevator as there were bolted down air shafts that were inaccessible.
Nuts. KopyCat hadn't bothered to get that information from the guard before he was knocked out. The only name it knew was "Devin". KopyCat's major flaw was that it didn't get any memories from those it mimicked.

Feeling prying eyes in the form of security cameras placed in the elevator, KopyCat had to think fast. Not something it was excellent with.

It could check the pockets of the guard it had tranquilized, but that would be completely obvious. Its own "pockets" would be no good, it's mimicking ability didn't cover what was inside them unless it was visible.

It was up to pure luck on KopyCat's end. It tried to remember a name and number from a previous encounter. Maybe one from the lab? Think, think, think...
"Joseph..." It uttered in a near-hushed tone. "O-Fifty-Two".
"Please state your full name." The electronic voice prompted again.
Orlando drove through the now open gates and stopped at a loading dock. He looked over at Wilson. "There's going to be some people coming now. They may look scary, but don't be afraid of them. They will help you, not hurt you." He smiled kindly at Wilson and got out of the car.
"o. ok. thankyou for the warning." *warnings are helpful* *so is friendliness* *Wilson is trying to not be threatening. a relatively easy task with his human look*
The biker in the back was preparing for an escakd attemp, simply run as soon as he got out and run for the hills.

Moderators: Narrator (played anonymously) Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)