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we rping it here?
Am i in the right place?
Eclipse blushed as she held his hand.
he looks around the prom, tightening his grip a little
Eclipse blinked. " us?" She looked up at Wade. "I didnt know you were royality"
"I'm not...prom king and queen are the people who are elected, the people who did the best"
"Oh." She looked at him then looked around. "Then if you are king and i am queen. ..shall we dance.. If you wish?"
Eclipse blushed brightly holding her hand out.
"I suppose we must"he says taking it
She looks at him still blushing. " ..tradition states the boy leads.." She looked up at him not letting go of his hands.
"now do I even know how to slow dance"he says speaking out loud to himself
She looked up at him, giggling. " it helps if you talk during it. "
"oh? then can you guide the first dance"
She nods taking his hands putting one on her waist and the other in her hand, and started waltzing with him.
"..see its not so hard. Ive danced since i was ten"
"ah, I...don't really dance"
"Then what do you do?"
"stuff and things"
"Like?" She giggled at his response.
"well a boys gotta have some mystery to him, it wouldn't be a mystery if I just told you"
"I suppose" she spins around and goes back in his arms. " but do you at least read books? Or like the outdoors?"
"yes and yes"