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Forums » Discussions » The World

Alrighty, everyone with ideas, opinions and so one let it out here. Let's come up with something great together.

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You should first come up with a world system, and how X works or does X. Aka get the foundation of your main setting down.
Where did everyone go? This world has faded into obscurity, but I shall attempt to raise it from its slumber...on Discord, if I must!
Arcol wrote:
Where did everyone go? This world has faded into obscurity, but I shall attempt to raise it from its slumber...on Discord, if I must!

Oi yo wot. I don’t even remember this place...
I would love to return to this rp, but nobody seems to really be active on this forum anymore. Plus, I've also got alot of stuff going on irl, but...I'll return in a bit...
Agree. Am ded. Life.
Anyone in the mood to revive this rp? Would hate to just leave the characters I made in the dust. I should be on this site more so if anyone is interested then I'm all hands on deck 👌
I don’t even remember what this is-
this is being restarted properly on Discord for those interested

Moderators: Arcol Aaricia Raikiri