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Notes About the RP

  • Important (I Think) Stuff

    Note: this will also constantly be updating as the story progresses. Most of the information on here is OOC info and will not be known by the characters until they specifically find it out. This stuff is for your reading pleasure, and also to help you understand the story a little better. I'm not gonna post anything the characters don't know here, as that would be considered a spoiler. I don't want to spoil any potential surprises, so it's very important that you investigate something if you want to know more about it. Otherwise, it will not be added to the information updates.

    The Video That Inspired the RP

    (I do not own this video or anything else that's associated with it, the video itself belongs to Lozeng3r.)


    Till Death Do Us Part Two. Incredibly sad ;.; Again, I don't own any of it, this genius belongs to Lozeng3r.

    About the Virus
    The Virus is a mystery to the teams at the moment. It is uncertain how it came about, and not much is known about it yet except that those bit turn, and those who die, bit or not, turn as well, unless the brain is destroyed. It is also presumed to be airborne, since everyone seems to have caught it, as discovered by the Medics, and it spread like wildfire when it was first introduced.

    A bit person will die within two or three days after suffering from a high fever, ranging from 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. A few hours before death the infected person will slip into a coma, and death normally comes a few hours after that.

    After death, the person will turn into a zombie unless their brain is otherwise destroyed, usually within an hour of death.

    There is no known cure for the Virus as of yet.

    About the Zombies
    The zombies are just as they sound: undead corpses attracted to sound, sight, and scent. On their own, they're not too much to worry about so long as you're armed, but in hordes they can be extremely dangerous and should be avoided whenever possible.

    Zombies can only be killed by being shot or stabbed in the head. The brain must be destroyed in order for the zombie to die; the body and appendages can be totally demolished, but if the brain is still intact, the zombie will still be alive.

    The bite of a zombie spreads the Virus, but scratches don't. Scratches run a risk of getting infected, simply because the nails and hands of a zombie are most likely dirty, but it won't be too much to worry about as long as the proper antibiotics are administered in time.

    Zombies are attracted to sight, sound, and some scent. Hiding in plain sight simply will not work, as the zombie will sniff you out and find you. Sound is also a major issue, as the louder a weapon is, the more zombies will be attracted to it. This is something important to keep in mind before firing a gun or something equally loud. Zombies don't run very fast, but they can easily overwhelm a trapped or tired person if there are a lot.

    About Weapons
    It's safest to go with a silent weapon. Guns are risky as they are loud and attract many zombies, but they do have the advantage of letting the user pick off targets from a long range. Mêlée weapons are somewhat safer as they're much quieter and won't attract as many zombies, if any at all, but carry the natural risks of close range combat with a member of the undead. They may also break, but this is a somewhat rare occurrence and can easily be avoided.

    The more complex and powerful a gun, the harder it is to find ammunition for it. For instance, Shotgun shells and Revolver rounds will be much easier to find than Rockets and Sticky Grenades. It won't be impossible, it'll just be very difficult.

    About the Systems
    The Systems were what kept the Team Fortress world working properly. There were two: the Respawn System and the Resupply System.

    Respawn was what brought the dead mercs back to life and is a general mystery to the mercs themselves. There's something that pieces them back together and gives them life, but what the exact process is is unknown to anyone but the Administrator. However, the Respawn is currently out of commission, and whoever dies stays completely dead until they reanimate. Even then they're still technically dead.

    The Resupply System also gave the mercs ammunition and medical supplies during battles, so they could fight longer and not die quite as much. This System isn't well-known to anyone else but the Administrator, much like the Respawn System, and is also currently down. This means that the mercs have to venture out if they want to find ammo and medical supplies.