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Name: Jackson Michaels
Major: Undecided
Minor: --
Year: Sophomore
Classes: Biology (MWF; 4 credits + lab), Philosophy (MWF; 3 credits), Literature 200 (TTH; 3 credits), Mechanical Engineering 100 (TTH; 4 credits + lab)

Brief blurb: King Jr. (aka Queen or Prince) of the Delta Alpha Beta Frat, but also barely ever attends classes. #rip
Name: Honora Larsen
Major: Undetermined
Minor: N/A
Year: Freshman
Classes: Chemistry I(4), Literature (3), English 101 (3),
Brief Blurb:Sassy, sarcastic, but makes a great study partner and an extremely loyal friend. She takes her education very seriously.
Name: Beate Beckert.
Major: Marketing.
Minor: Economics.
Year: Freshman.
Classes: English 101 (3), Math 109C (3), MIS 111 + Lab (4), Foreign Languages - Spanish (3).
Total: 13.
Brief blurb: Beate is a quiet classmate, only speaks when spoken to and never exerts herself to be called upon if she can help it. Out of class she is just as shy unless speaking to familiar faces. She is known for her baking and those who know of her Youtube channel will see the stark difference between her channel personality and how she acts in public.

Moderators: Alexial (played anonymously) Toasty