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Forums » General Adventure » The Ninja of Pineroot Woods

To the East of Whalerdrake, there lies the Pineroot Woods. Filled with spooky tales of strange plant and buglife, and wild hounds, most citizens of Whalerdrake avoid the woods if at all possible. But one family of lumberjacks, long ago, went into the woods and never returned...

Deep in the woods, in a woodcutter's shack, a man and his son, both dressed in ninja outfits, had just finished the morning exercise of 100 pushups, 100 pushups with one arm, and 100 pushups without legs. Or, at least, the father did. After a minute of flexing his muscles, he turned his head so quickly towards his son, "Sampson. Hear me." Clapping his hands together, "Hm! To be the best means you must defeat the rest. Hiya!" He split a nearby log with his bare hand, the small table rattling.

Collecting the wood and stacking it in the corner, where all the other chopped pieces sat, the man brushed his hands together, "I've seen them, while practicing my stealth. People dressed like ninjas, but are clearly not ninjas. They insult us, son." Crossing his arms over his chest, he gave an ominous look, "They insult our honor...they must be taught a lesson!"
Sampson nodded. "Yes father I'll go deal with them at once." Sampson took off through the woods with his blue Spinarak close behind him.
The woods were quite at this hour, the Pokemon busy with other tasks like foraging for food and making certain their shelters are free of immediate dangers. The mid-day sun shone through the forest's canopy in spaced-out spots and various Pokemon were basking in the sun above the ground floor.

But none of them seemed to pay attention to the ninja travelling through and he found himself on the other side of Whalerdrake soon enough. The sun was still up and some of the citizens were outside, gossiping about the recent meteor shower, "Did you see it fall down like that? Lit up the sky, it did." One of the gossipers, who wore a brown coat and cap, shook his head, "And someone spotted one of those bad luck Pokemon, those Absols. Bad times are a'coming." All three nodded between themselves.

rolled 1d100 and got 14
Don't mind this dice roll

Sampson looked around, not here he said to himself. "Maybe they went into town?" He looked down at his Spinarak. It climbed up to his shoulder and held on as Sampson ran off towards town. Had those men said something about an Absol? He pushed the thought out of his mind, he had more important things to do.
The town of Whalerdrake wasn't too far away from where the citizens lingered to talk and gossip. Several people looked up from their task to make inquisitive looks towards the boy, but soon shrugged their shoulders and returned to repairing shoes or roofing. A man exited the nearby Pokemart and others were talking about the good old days. Standing outside their houses and sharing warm mugs of cider.

Somewhere, floating to the young ninja, was his father's training: "If you wish to complete a task, you must first decide what the task is, and the best skill to complete it." There were quite a few people around the town, but not too many. Everything appeared to be normal, for Whalerdrake.
Sampson stopped by the corner of a building and took a look around. He didn't see the people he was looking for and sighed. He plopped down and sat right there. Scooter, his Spinarak, nudged him. "Not now Scooter." Sampson thought, if I were a someone pretending to be a ninja where would I go?
Sampson's father slowly popped into the boy's head with his words, "If you don't see with your eyes, you must trust your gut. Your gut will lead your eyes if you listen." Curling a log that his hand had left its imprint in, "You have to trust chance if you want to use your gut. And you can't chance anything if you sit down."

The image of his father starts to fade, but then strengthens as he flexes his bulging biceps, "Keep your eyes open, son." Then he vanishes.

[Super funny, but! To be a ninja, you must use skills. Skills are found under mechanic section, and if you don't have a bonus, are simply a d20. It looks like this: see example below.]

rolled 1d20 and got 18
This is an exmaple

Having spent a good portion of the day near the waterside, Chris packed up her fishing pole after an unsuccessful day of fishing and crossed into the beaten path towards Whalerdrake. With the tattered rod over her shoulder, her Vaporeon at her side, they strolled into the town at midday.

Meanwhile, the citizens of Whalerdrake slowly began to notice the boy who was sitting near a building. Some of them mentioned him in hushed whispers, "Isn't that Leon's kid?"

But Chris walked up to the Pokeshop's door, casting her glance at the boy who was sitting to her right. She stared for a bit, but ultimately went to open the door of the shop when a man in the store stopped her, "Sorry ma'am, we're closed." Chris was taken aback, her hand pointing to the open sign in the window, "But your sign says open, and it's only 3-ish a clock!"

The man grunts and moves to swap the sign to closed, "There. We're closed." Chris made a face and threw her hands in the air, rolling her eyes as she stood there for a bit.
Scooter nudged Sampson once again, this time alerting him the presence of the person next to him. "Scooter stop it." He said not being able to focus with his Spinarak bothering him so much, he didn't even notice the person next to him.
Chris took another glance towards the Spinerak, seeming to calm down for a bit, "Whatever, I'll show up tomorrow..." Her Vaporeon simply laid down on all fours, settling his head along his outstretched front legs. Chris watched the spider-like Pokemon with interest, moving to search through her clothes for what looked to be the oldest, dirtiest, and faded Pokedex.

Flipping it open, she held it outward and upward for reception, "Let's see.." Bringing it down, she looked at the screen, the device uttering a, "Pokemon unknown. Habitat unknown. Additional data unknown." Making a face, she shook her head and tucked it back into her pocket, moving to hold her hand out in front of Scooter, "Hey little guy! You sure are cute.."
Scooter nudged his head under her hand as if he wanted to petted. Sampson opened one eye slightly and glanced at the person next to him. How did they get that close without him noticing, he thought to himself. He looked down at her Vaporeon, he had never seen one before so it was a new experience.
Chris petted and scratched softly at Scooter's head, turning her hand about to curl her finger under his chin. Smiling to herself, she looked to the boy, "What's his name?" Vaporeon met the boy's gaze and decided to melt, his body creating a puddle of water shortly. About to ask another question, she was cut off by a man dressed in a dark T-shirt and black slacks with a black cap. He stepped outside from the shop again, making a face, "Hey, get outta here! Loiters! I will have you arrested, now scram!"
"Scooter." He answered. He looked at the man who had spoken. He sighed, guess that man didn't like people just sitting in front of his building.
Chris petted Scooter a bit longer, before she glanced to her side and whistled for her Vaporeon, who reformed into being solid once more, "Come on, boy." Looking between her Pokémon and the lad, "Uhh, my vaporeon, not..well you know."

The man pointed again, "Get!" And Chris shrugged her shoulders, adjusting her pack, as she walked a good distance away from the shop. Vaporeon turned his head upwards and spewed out water in a small fountain over his head.