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Forums » Getting Started » Making a Character (Picking a Goal)

Picking a Class
Picking Pokemon
Starting Gear
Picking a Goal
(Optional: Picking a Background)

Hello dear readers! Today we will discuss picking a goal for your trainer.

What kind of goal should I pursue as a trainer?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to selecting a goal. Usually, players will start the largest goal in their mind and imagine what their character would like to accomplish as a trainer.

How can I pursue my goal?

First, break up the largest goal into smaller pieces. You may list these pieces as steps to reach your goal. For example, we will take Chris and use her as an example.

Chris wishes to make an all water-based team.

This is a very simple goal, as the setting has an abundance of water. But what if she's after a certain water/ice Pokemon? Then, she has a few steps to undergo before she can acquire it.

Step 1: Have enough supplies to sustain the trip to a good, cold spot.
Step 2: Invest in warmer clothing.
Step 3: Live off the land or bring enough food for the stake-out
Step 3ish: Bring healing items for the Pokemon, just in case.
Step 4: Stake out the frozen area for a few days until the Pokemon appears.
Step 5: Battle and hopefully capture it!

What happens when I achieve a goal?

The larger the goal, the more experience the trainer receives! Once a goal is achieved, it's always best to have another in place. But you don't have to have one right away, think it over!

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