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Forums » How To Play » How to Create a Trainer

Hello everyone! Today we will be discussing character creation in a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Stats.

Pokemon and Trainers have access to the same stats. These stats are HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed. Trainers start with 5 in each stat except HP. HP starts at 10. Trainers have 10 points to distribute between the stats, but cannot spend 5 points in a single stat.

The starting stat block is already below for your convenience!

HP: 10
Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Sp. Attack: 5
Sp. Defense: 5
Speed: 5

Step 2: Backgrounds.

Backgrounds are good to describe what kind of character your trainer is. They also give two upgraded skills, but degrade a few others. They are currently located under the Classes tab. Pick one that suits your character!

Step 3: Class(es)

Trainer classes come in different flavors. The easiest classes are first on the list and the supernatural classes are on the bottom. Each class requires a Feature to be spent. Trainers start with 4 Features. Always check the prerequisites of classes, as some require skills and Features! Classes have their own Features too, granting you more abilities that the class includes.

Step 3.5: Derived Stats

Once classes have been selected, you will notice that some classes have stat tags. The Capture Specialist, for example, has [+Speed] after it's class tag. These tags will increase the stat for your trainer by 1 with each ability that has a stat tag. In addition, a trainer's hitpoints is equal to 10+ (Level x 2) + (HP stat x 3).

Step 4: Skills/Edges

Each skill starts at rank 2, or Untrained. Novice is rank 3 and Adept is rank 4. This means that you roll as many d6's as the skill has ranks. Using a Novice skill means you roll 3d6 dice! Each trainer starts with 4 Edges, which can be used to purchase special abilities or skill upgrades. At creation, trainers can increase their skills to Novice rank.

Step 4.5 Features:

Trainers gain a free Training Feature of their choice, without needing to meet its prerequisites! Don't forget to pick one out for your trainer.

Step 5: Pokemon

Every trainer needs Pokemon. The book recommends starting with at least one 3-stage Pokemon, however it is completely possible to not do so. Trainers will begin their stories with two level 10 Pokemon. The book covers Pokemon up to Gen 6 and Legendary Pokemon are unavailable to start with, sorry!

Step 6: Pokedex

Within the Pokedex pdf, you can find your chosen Pokemon's stats, moves, skills, capabilities, and abilities. Recording the base stats is the most important thing, with the addition of the other mentions.

Like trainers, Pokemon gain 10 + their level in points to put into their stats, but their base stats must always remain in order to each other. For example, if a Pokemon's Attack is the highest stat, then Defense and Sp. Defense, then HP, then Speed, then Sp. Attack, the Pokemon's stats must remain in that order.

Note: Natures can change the order of stats!

Step 7: Shopping.

Trainers start with 5000 yen! Trainers can purchase up to Great balls, any outdoor equipment, refreshment items, bandages and poultices, basic restoratives, and repels. Items in the Core rulebook start at page 271.

Step 8: Final Touches

There are a few doll creators for Pokemon trainers and I would highly recommend finding an excellent picture if you don't have one already. You can let me know how you would like to start your story and we can begin writing!