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    Magic and Psionics
    We're overhauling Furcadia magic.

    -No spell lists.
    -No preps.

    Sound Over Powered?s
    We're working on balancing it, and we'd love your help.

    Magic Spheres
    • Fire
    • Water
    • Air
    • Urrth
    • Essence
    • Healing
    • Shadow
    • Necromancy
    • Corruption
    • Dark Bindings

    -Each sphere has a maximum of five ranks.
    -Ranks are gained through roleplayed training only.
    -Characters are limited to two spheres above one rank.

    Example: Finn the Magus has three spheres in fire and four in air, so he cannot earn anything higher than one rank in any other sphere.
    Mages must be approved
    by the Admin staff to maintain power balance within the dream.

    We use these to help classify mages and understand what they are able to do in case fairness comes into question as well as being able to write plots and stories that are challenging enough.

    1: Apprentice - you can sense magic used of this sphere up to third sphere. You have a basic understanding of the element, can perform cantrips (lighting a candle, blow a curtain to billow, fill a cup with water, etc.)

    2: Senior Apprentice - sense up to fourth sphere. You can manipulate the elements as well as speak with spirits associated with that element. They can also be used for basic scrying.

    3: Journeyfurre - sense up to fifth sphere. You can harness enough of this element to do some damage, as well as start to create basic things, (shapes, forms for making structures, simple geometric shapes)

    4: Senior Journeyfurre - mask use from apprentices entirely. You can create complex things with your sphere and start to tap into systems that relate to their element (weather systems, heat flows, etc.).

    5: Master - mask use from Senior apprentices entirely. If you can think it you could do it.

    Casting Magic
    Magic is cast by using points in your spheres to determine the power and complexity of a spell. No single spell may be above five sphere points, and while you can combine spheres to produce combined effects, you cannot combine them to cast a spell that is of a higher rank than your character.

    For example:
    A mage has two ranks in fire and three in earth. That makes his maximum rank three, so while the math works (2+3=5), when combining his spheres to cast an earth/fire spell, he cannot cast a spell above power level three.

    Mage Burnout
    The more a mage casts in a certain amount of time, the more difficult their spells become. The higher the rank, the more they can cast before burnout takes effect.

    Forming spells becomes taxing on the mind as well as the body that worked to focus the energies.

    It is common to experience something known as ‘combat fatigue’ which can come with a range of symptoms, that make continued casting difficult. The only cure for this is time as there are certain intangible parts of the mage which cannot be healed with magery, though a sandwich and a nap will help speed things up a little.

    When a mage casts a spell at level three or above they earn 1 fatigue point for a third sphere cast, 2 for four, and 3 for five. At every fifth point they have to test with a 1d20 roll, anything below 10 earns them a burnout symptom. Every threshold level above the first brings an additional -1 modifier. I.E: 10th point gets -1, 15th gets -2, and so on. The modifier goes away when a mage meditates or sleeps for eight hours. Twelve if they are at -5 to -9. If they are somehow at -10 or higher they need 24 hours in meditation or rest before they are fit to cast anything but the most simple spells.

    The exception to this rule is that any mage who has the fifth sphere in the element they are casting they receives three free points of fatigue, meaning that their first roll doesn't occur until they accumulate 8 fatigue points.

    Failed burnout check, roll 1d20 again.

    19-20: Unconscious
    14-19: Weakness due to extreme hunger
    9-13: Muddied senses, tunnel vision & tinnitus
    4-8: Nausea
    2-3: Losing grip: 25% spell failure chance until rested (this does stack).
    1: Brittle Bones: Until the mage rests any sudden or forceful blow or damage will likely result in broken bones. A second instance of this roll without rest causes a full break of two random bones in the body (or carapace if applicable).


    Using advantages (usually from wrymme blood, or a full wrymme but can RARELY occur in furres to a lesser degree) with which to effect the minds of other beings, move objects, make connections with other beings mentally, and cause bondings between beings.

    Psionic Spheres

    Like magic psionics is rated in a five sphere system. Psionics and magic, while using similar rule sets, are different energies. "Blocking" one with the other is unlikely.

    Sphere 1:
    You are able to lift small objects, mentally send thoughts to others, reading thoughts or emotions is difficult, but very vague information may come through. May strengthen a bond that a mage has made previously.
    Sphere 2:
    Begin to lift heavier objects such as daggers, mentally have short conversations with another, read vague emotions and thoughts easier, make bonds with creatures of the same or ‘lesser’ species.

    Sphere 3:
    Lift larger objects, such as swords, full oil lamps. Mentally have detailed conversations and send vague images, read thoughts and emotions, make bonds with anything, make your arguments seem persuasive (moderately).
    Sphere 4:
    Lift something the size and weight of a basket of rocks, listen in on lesser psionics, converse with detailed images, bond with mythicals (dragons, phoenix, etc) or supers, (vamps, weres, etc.). Make your suggestions sound like good ideas.

    Sphere 5:
    Lift and move things the size and weight of yourself (normal, not augmented), Listen in and ‘break in’ to conversations with lesser psionics, converse with spirits or beings that are possessing a vessel, make your suggestions orders, control ONE other being the same power type as yourself (normal, not augmented). Create and maintain small psi-daggers that cause mental pain when they strike the brain (causes NO physical damage).

    Psionics Fatigue

    Works just the same as it does for mages. Psi-Masters get one ‘free pass’ on their first use after sleeping and eating, the body must be maintained for the mind to reach its peak.

    The Blood

    Furres are not naturally gifted with psionics, just as wyrmmes are not naturally gifted with elemental magic. In order to attain sphere level 3 in psionics, a furre must be half-wyrmme (one wyrmme parent.) The same goes for a wyrmme who wants to practice magic, wyrmmes with one furre parent may reach sphere 3 in a chosen school.

    In order to reach sphere 5 in psionics, the character must be a full blooded wyrmme. For sphere 5 magic, a full blooded furre.

    Mythicals will be dealt with on a case by case basis, as they require special permission to play.


  • Laws For Mages To Follow

    Kasurian Laws
    • The colleges of shadow, necromancy, corruption, dark bindings are outlawed.
    • All other areas of magical inquiry are acceptable, except those that tamper with the Natural Order. A mage who successfully enabled a herbivore to survive on meat was put to death by King Callistin.
    • Using magic against non mages without their permission or permission from the guild is a crime. Self defense MAY be appropriate.

    The Scarhawk Castle Guild, also known as the Hawkmage has separate rules to the Kasurian Colleges, and are considered rebels by both the King and the Tower. The Hawkmage allow greater freedom of magical inquiry, leading to rumours about dark magic.

    Local Magical Law
    A Master of the guild appoints the Inquisitor, sometimes called 'The Sheriff', whose responsibility it is to enforce magical law. They can conscript any mage at any time, and arrest any mage at any time for investigation either on a temporary or permanent basis under authority of the Scarhawk Castle Mage Tower. Without the Kasurian Colleges behind them the Hawkmage must police their own.

    Casting magic against non mages always carries a severe penalty, but the exact punishment often varies. Murder using magic is always punishable by death in most instances.

    In the same vein, magical mischief or destruction carries a severe penalty, depending on the extent of the damage done or grief caused.

    The exception to these are when a mage breaks the rules for a positive effect. In the past it is rare, yet certain furres have been able to get away with lessened punishment levied more to prove that they still did bad even though it had positive results.

    Example: Joe-Bob the Magnificent loses control of a dancing lights spell to daze a known criminal causing some burns to the muzzle. Since it is a criminal he helped catch he only has to serve an additional eight hours of service to the Keep as recompense.


  • Local Enchantments
    The land of Scarhawk Castle is old.
    The secluded, bountiful area been a popular settlement for ages.
    Old and new magics linger.

    Forestallment of Death
    Any life essence that is released in close proximity to the casting of a spell is held within the tower for 24 hours. During this time it is possible to have the essence restored to it’s body, though the body must also be healed. It is rumored that a necromancer dwells within the Hawkmage Tower who helps this process, leaving a taint and stigma on those that are returned.
    The Rite of Homo Sacer
    Any mage who breaks their oath by committing murder becomes magically marked. Between 2 and 6 hours after the act, they will experience severe magical backlash, that may or may not be fatal.
    Archon’s Blessing
    This amulet is worn by Inquisitors and high ranking mages. It protects them from the effects of the Rite of Homo Sacer.
    Turning of the Herd
    Being in the wilderness herds of predatory ferals, bugge scavengers, and other undesirables are kept at bay with an older enchantment thought to have been laid down before even the buildings.