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Hello to all.
It's been ages I was searching for something like this to post some personal recipes made by me or my family (mostly them, I still have to invent something).
Given the fact I'm italain, get ready for some easy but delicious recipes.
So, set your hunger and let's start.
Family Recipe N#1: Carbonara variation

I will start with this one, my favorite of all.
Be sure this, in my family we don't like pork cheek or row eggs, but the true Carbonara should have them in. However, this variation aimed to be for all those who love bacon and eggs.

So, first of all, the ingredients for 3 persons:

[*] 250 grams of pasta (each people present);

[*] 3 eggs;

[*] Cheese (I use Grana Padano cheese, but Pecorino or similar are good choices too);

[*] Half glass of water (or more, but we'll se it later);

[*] One or two package of cubed bacon.

[*] Butter.

Part 1: Bacon, Butter and Boiling Water

So, first of all, before boiling pasta or making the egg-cheese mix, prepare the butter into a non-stick pot, or even better a wok.
Start up the stove at medium power and wait for the butter to melt. Once is done, just drop all the bacon in it, and wait 6-9 minutes, just the time for it to cook enough to remain soft but with butter's flavor on it.

Then, took it out the stove, no matter if it cool down.
Now, you prepare water, and make it boil. Don't forget the salt, but watch out from putting too much of it in the water, or this little recipe will be ruined ( I once managed to put a bit too much, and make the carbonara horrible).

Part 2: the condiment, aka Eggs and Cheese

In the meantime, take the eggs, open them in a bowl, and add cheese, enough to make a kind of batter-like thing. At this point, add enough water to make it the same density of eggnog, to make a paragon.
It must be not liquid nor too much dense.

Part 3: Finish and serve it !

At this point, choose your favorite type of pasta, and trow it in the water.
No matter if is spaghetti or penne, the important is that it must be of your like, because not all pasta is the same .
Oh, and till isn't ready to be drained, do what you wish to do.

Ok, now the fun part: don't turn off the stove, put the flame at the lowest intensity possible, drain the pasta and put the bacon on the flame. At this point, mix all together till the egg condiment has take a solid consistency ( the important is that it must not be raw nor crunchy, it must remain soft)

And then... bon appétit, mes amis !

I will include a video of its preparation, next time I make it.
This sounds like a yummy variation of Carbonara! I have to try it!

Moderators: Banshee JayBird