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November's nights - always chilly in these parts of the country. However, the man sitting on the edge of long since abandoned building, seemed to be very comfortable. His legs dangled off in a careless manner and although the wind up there was quite merciless, the man seemed to be utterly lost in the music he was playing.

It was a little known instrument that he gave his breath to, called Pan flute - as the name suggests, it was known to ancient Greeks, said to be the instrument of the strange god Pan. The music this man, with wings of silver feathers, was a match in longing to the one Pan could play after his beloved nymph Syrix was turned into reeds, from which then his instrument was made. But the strangest was - it sounded like other instruments faintly played in the background, although no other musicians were present. Most dominant was the Pan flute, however.

The moon was waning, but the sky was clear, so the night was not utterly dark, if someone was to pass - or rather fly by -, they could see the unusual musician, wings spread slightly and hair falling in his eyes.

OO C: Open for all, and for insight, do listen to this song -
Luna was flying in the night to see what was going on and saw the guy and heard him playing what she could tell was the Pan flute. She felt pain hit her right wing and saw someone had shot her with an arrow. She landed in the woods behind the building, pain shooting through her wing, making it impossible at the moment to pull her wings back into to her back. She reached to pull the arrow out but the moment she touched it the pain got worse. A small whimper escaped her lips, she was never good with pain.
The melody didn't pause as his eyes followed the winged girl. Not until the moment he could see her wing twitch. The man narrowed eyes and in last moment, noticed the arrow that had hit her. Quickly putting the instrument away, Loren got to his feet and in graceful flight followed the injured one. The one who had hurt her... Well, he was most likely chased out of the property by a pack of rabid-looking dogs.

"I mean no harm," he spoke, in a rather low, deep voice, landing nearby, but not close enough for her to feel endangered. "Let me help you with that," the man suggested kindly, outstretching the hand, but not coming closer yet. His wings seemed to have a faint glow in the dim light trough the trees.

Loren couldn't see her face clearly, it was too dark, yet it felt like he had seen her somewhere, sometime. Strange thing, really. It had been a while since he had seen any other winged one, not many were blessed with natural wings of flesh and feather.
Luna was suprised to see the guy she saw ealier coming towards her, usually she would've backed away but the pain got the best of her. A faint whimper escaped her lips again before she could take it back. She didn't get a good look at who shot her but she could tell they didn't have good aim.

She simply nodded. "T-thank you.." Her voice was slightly weaker than usual but that was because of the pain. The wound started to look worse. With her kind the longer something is blocking the healing process it would get worse than it should be. It was a strange but somehow it was like that for her.
He smiled, pleased that his offer wasn't rejected. It would make things simpler. There was no way Loren would leave someone suffering in pinch of trees, just because they were stubborn.

The man came up to her and started whistling a soft tune, it was soothing, sweet even. A little like flowing water. This cool, relaxing feeling seeped in her mind, and Luna didn't even feel as the arrow was removed, maybe only a little sting, but nothing more.
"I am sorry, but I can't disinfect the wound here, maybe we should get you to first aid point. But it won't get worse at least," Loren assured her. The moment the tune was broken, pain returned, but not nowhere as big as before, more alike soreness. While he was nearby, the pain would be hardly noticeable.

"Would you like to go to first aid point, or have you somewhere else taken?" he asked, politely, tilting head to have a better look at her face, not sure the woman would accept any more help. She seemed a little distraught.
Luna shook her head. She moved her hand over where the wound was and a small sliver light glowed, showing her face for the moment then the light was gone as quickly as it came. She moved her hand away the her wing looked as good as new, almost like the arrow was never there to being with. She streched out her wing to make sure there was no serious damage left.

Her wing was fine, strong and stead as usual. She looked back at the man who helped her and said "Thank you for the help, sir." Her red eyes looking into his dark gray/blue eyes.
"Ah, you're of the fast healers. I am happy I could help," he smiled. Even better then. The man had worried about if the arrow was poisoned or not. The deadly liquids seemed to be popular in this side of the ocean, more than in the lands they originated from. Then, suddenly, Loren realized he knew nothing of this woman, nor she of him - not even the name.

"Oh, I hope you will pardon my rudeness of not introducing my self, due to the situation." He gave a slight bow.
"My name is Loren Fitzroy and may I inquire what is your name, milady?" His English was a little strange in wording at times, but it's pronunciation was perfect, more of the olden England way than American, though. It became more foreign only when the man said his name, becoming more... French, maybe.

If she extended her hand, he quickly captured it and bent over, lips barely touching the top of it. If not, Loren limited him self to a friendly smile. "Somewhere particular you were heading to, if I might ask?"
Luna nodded and stood up. "Yes, the ways of healing are strang for my kind." Her voice regain it's strenght with a gentlness too it. She seemed like the kind of person that people would look at strangly for her slivery white hair and bright red eyes. But she would casted it off as nothing, having good hearted nature to her that she hides to protect herself from the pain she has felt in the past from trusting someone.

"My name is Luna Nanada." When she spoke her name it gave off a Spanish feel to it, more so because her frist name was commonly known as Moon in Spanish.

Luna shook her head. "No, I was just flying around since I haven't in a few days and my wings were growing sore." She rubbed one of her wings gentlly.
As she introduced her self, Loren's memory clicked. A painting of someone similar to her graced walls some place he both loved and despised. Even the surnames fit, and so did the story that would explain why one of the Nobles of Luner Angels would be walking upon the ground of city such as this. However, as he did knew this story, Loren was considerate enough to not bring it up.

"It is pleasure to meet you, my lady," he replied, not just out of courtesy. Long since he had wondered what was the Fallen Princess like, and the man looked forwards to learning more about her.

"It's a pity even nowadays we cannot feel truly safe within the sky. Do you still wish to take to a flight? And if so, would you be so kind as to accept my company?" His tone was nothing polite, offering her every path to step away from the offer.

"You see, I just recently arrived here, and just a month ago set my foot in USA, so, I would love to learn more about this place and people here within," Loren explained, the reason being quite true, albeit not the only one in this case.
The story of the Luner Angels were some of myht but true in a way. Some stories told of beings like none other, with wings that were a bright beatiful white color and those with darker than gray was outcasted, that was very true. Some had said that Luner Pricness was killed in war, others said that her spirit is still around protecting others. Both of those were wrong and right. Luna had seen much of war and had been wounded herself, even at the young ages she lived with the other angels, seeing as she would be capture and tortured till she told what they wanted, and she did try to help people the best she could. None of the stories told the truth of what happened to her, but one. The truth that no one ever truly believed.

"Not at all, it is better to fly with company than alone." She smiled, accepting his offer. She was use to flying alone for the reason that most angels treated an outcast as they saw them, useless and unwanted. But it never truly hurt her as much people would think. She always said "It was their choice to outcast me, why make them thing I regert they did?" In truth Luna didn't, her father was terribly strict and she didn't want to be like him. If she wasn't outcasted she would be forced to be like him.

"I can understand that, I've only been in the USA for good five years, so I might be of some help with learning more on it." It was somewhat of the truth, she had been America for good hundered years, instead of five.
He grinned, although it was hidden in the shadows and spread his wings. With one powerful flap, Loren set off into the skies. Again, that faint glimmer on his wings, as if the little moonlight played in the feathers. He was tall, and his wings were matching in their size. The wind whistled in his ears and around him, warping into tune that accepted Luna when she flew to him.

Loren loved flying, he and the open sky had special relationships. Up there, between heaven and ground, is where he always felt like he belonged. A little fantasy he could fit in. Here, his best stories and songs were born, developed and first turned into real sound.

Turning to the woman, he laughed softly. "So, have you liked America this far? A bit of traveler spirit in you?" Loren asked, the pace of flight now slow, he allowed her to take the lead where they were going to.
Luna followed behind him into the sky. Against the moonlight, it looked as if there were bits of moonlight sprakling off her black wings. Almost as if there where a bit of sliver mixed in the black. It was kind of hard to see her wings since they were the same color of black as the night sky but the dull color gave it away from the sprakle of the night sky that it held.

Luna as well could never get enough with flying, but most though it weird that she flied better at night than in the day. Of course, she was a creature of the night but one with no intentions of evil or anything like that.

"It isn't as bad or great as it most would think, but it does have rapid change over the years." She had not a clue where she was heading too, she was just flying, enjoying the feeling of the wind whisteling passed her ears and ruffing her short slivery hair that looked like it was the same color as the moon itself.
"The ugly and the beautiful find their ways to mingle in everyone and everything," he commented thoughtfully, thinking back of all the big and small towns he had seen all over the world. All the same, and each so different. Would Chicago give him something new? Was there something new, in people, for him left to discover?

Probably. It would not be like Loren to assume he has found everything, learned of it all. And still, there was certain feeling of repetition in his life. It was not boring, no, but... dull, to see people making the same mistakes, coming to same conclusions. Yet, world and its inhabitants were hauntingly beautiful, even when the lines bent and formed a neverending circle.

"Planning to stay here, or going to move on?" he asked Luna, after short time spent in silence, as the man was lost in his own thoughts. His eyes were turned down, to the light marked city. Some moved, some stayed, letting him guess if they were the strange, colorful vehicles, or lamps, or room lights marking their spot in the night. This high up, they were safe from random flying vehicle, unless someone went on a dangerous ride. Loren didn't like the machines too much. As well designed as they were, they lacked poetry in their outlines.
Luna nodded to what he said. "Very true, everything has an ugly and beatiful side to it." Luna would've coutined with a "Take my kind for exmaple they are a beatiful race with good intentions but with strict laws and rules, and too much pride to tell the truth about what happened to the hier to their kingdom." but she kept her mouth shut thinking that it was true, some angels lied about what they did causing the myths, the outcasted and earthbound ones told the truth. Luna counted as one of the few who spoke the truth.

Since she had seen most of the world so far she was curious to see what was left she hadn't seen how everything has changed. She never stopped moving from place to place, even in one country. She use too stay in another state in America but she forgot the name of it before she moved on too Chicago.

"Honstely, I don't know yet. I'll wait to see if anything new happens and choose weather I should stay or go." She shrugged, as if it wasn't much of a big deal if she left. It never was to her, she had made friends in the past but some were dead from her out living them.
"I have heard... there is unrest among the people," the man paused, not so much for thinking over what to say next as to see her reaction to that, "and with the flow of events, I am not surprised about it. Still, after some months, this city could lose the little peaceful aura it has left."

Loren was very interested to find more about the rebellion. Whispers were faint, but all around the world. In nearly every country there was someone who sought out a place from which the protest could safely grow, until big enough to actually change something. And, by the sounds of it, this had to be one of the first groups that had found a solid footing.

As an outsider, by rank he belonged to neither sides. In fact, the typical ranks would put him under larger risk than regular humans or the lower ranks (except the hateful type). But it was Loren's heart that made him take sides, not safety factor. And certainly, the man saw the world as unjust. Just the way they had to bring a change... Was not appealing, nor was it easy. A bloody path ahead, therefor slippery. Would the leader be so pure of heart his intentions would stay true throughout all they went trough, and as they rose to power?

Moderators: Elek Royce (played by Sadrain) Aiolia Serna (played by Sadrain)