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Forums » Roleplay Central » Test battle: Magnus vs. Roy

The day was sunny and warm. The field was wide open and grassy with a few boulders lodged in the ground. It was a perfect day ... for a battle!

Magnus took off his sunglasses so he could lock eyes with the other trainer that was passing conveniently by. "Yo. Let's battle!" By the irrefutable laws of trainers, they must accept. The big bro grabbed a Pokeball and tossed it into the middle of the field. "Go get 'em, Dom!"

The red light faded to reveal a Machoke. She flexed her bicep as she waited to see what her opponent would be.

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The warm weather, the shining sun, the beautiful scenery, it was an amazing day indeed. It was a perfect day for traveling across the land, searching far and wide.

Roy and his younger, adopted sisters were making their way towards the Castelia City gyms, both of them were eager to take on their third gym challenge, however they were stopped by a giant, mountain of a man that actually looked like he could wrestle down a Machamp with both of his arms tied behind his back. "A battle, eh? You're on, my team's just itching for a fight!" He grinned, tossing his own Pokeball. "You're up, Blaze!"

The flash of light revealed a rather beautiful looking Ninetales. Stretching a bit, the Fire-type studied her opponent curiously before going into a battle pose.
Magnus and Dom both eagerly awaited the reveal of their opponent, which turned out to be an elegant Ninetales.

"Start things out with Cross Chop!" the macho trainer called.

Dom took off running towards Ninetales, her arms raised up in front of her in the shape of an X. They began to glow brilliant white. Once she was close enough, she swung them out and down to either side, hoping to connect with the fire-type.

rolled 1d20 and got 16
High crit rate move--crits on 18-20

Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth