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It was a brisk, cold day in Ember Town and two new trainers from Snuggle Town were eagerly rushing to get their starter Pokemon. They had started the trek to the small town a couple of days ago and had arrived just in time for their big day; the day they became official trainers. Cecilia was practically dragging her twin sister, Vivian along and both wore bright smiles, though Vivian's seemed much shyer in comparison to Cecilia's.

Despite being twins, the two were easily distinguishable from each other due to their hair color and clothing style as well as their personalities. People could easily tell them apart with just a glance, much to their relief. Neither of them wanted to be mistaken for the other.

Back to the topic at hand, the two eventually arrived at Professor Evergreen's lab and cheerfully greeted him. The professor let out a soft chuckle, "Good morning, girls. I hope you two are ready to become Pokemon trainers." Cecilia and Vivian eagerly nodded in response to what the professor said. Despite both of them being eighteen years old, they were quite excitable. "We sure are, Professor! I hope we aren't too late!" Cecilia chimed. Vivian nodded in agreement with what her sister said.

The professor let out another soft chuckle as he responded "Actually, you two are the first ones here. Why don't you two choose your Pokemon while we wait for the others to arrive and then once they get settled, I'll give you all some more information."

The two girls happily nodded in response to the suggestion and excitedly viewed the four Pokemon the professor had let out. There was an Alolan Vulpix, a Seel, a Shinx, and an Eevee for the taking. After much deliberation, Cecilia and Vivian made their decisions.

"I want the Shinx! He looks like he'd make a really awesome partner!" Cecilia grinned happily as she picked up the little electric-type. The Shinx looked rather... unimpressed with his new trainer, but Cecilia couldn't care less as she exclaimed "I'm gonna name you Bolt!" The Shinx seemed as unimpressed with the name as he was with his trainer.

Now, it was Vivian's turn to choose. "Um... I guess I'll go with the Seel... he seems pretty sweet..." she spoke softly as she slowly approached the Pokemon before gently picking him up. The Seel seemed rather happy and nuzzled his trainer, causing Vivian to let out a small giggle. "U-um, is it alright if I call you Snowy...?" Vivian timidly asked the Seel. The Pokemon happily nodded in response.

The professor smiled. "Great choices, girls! Now, why don't you two go relax in the other room while we wait for the other two trainers to arrive?" he suggested. The girls happily nodded in response and did as they were told.

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(((Mind if I pop in this one? or is it too late to?)))
((may i join?))
(((I wanna play as Olin, my uh- *coughs* homosexual oc)))
((Ah, sorry, but the members have already been chosen for this rp. If y'all are looking for rps to join in the group, you can look here or even post your own ad for one. Again, I'm really sorry!))
((oh ok))
((I am so sorry. I thought I'd replied to this, but I guess I hadn't. o-o;))

The people here in Ember Town were so nice. Ankou couldn't help think that on the way to the Pokemon lab. They were friendly and warm - so very different from the way Ankou was. The more Ankou thought about it, the more it seemed appropriate to feel irritated. Jealous, even.

That didn't happen, though. Hardly even felt the ghost of those feelings. Just the quiet sense that a task needed completed. If that had an emotion, it would probably be determination, but its basis was a sense of duty. Ankou needed to reach the lab to get a pokemon and start out on a journey around the region.

That, at least, got a slight fluttering from their heart. Anticipation. Ankou wanted, badly, to see these places throughout the Frozen Heart where people said you could feel. Just feel the things that happened there. And that would be more than enough, they hoped, to feel other things.

Ankou wasn't sure how much time had passed - it took a while to reach Ember Town, even hitching rides with other folk - but eventually they made it to speak with Professor Evergreen. And for a moment, they weren't sure what to say. It crossed Ankou's mind to feel slightly nervous. There were only two pokemon now here, and no other trainers were in sight. There was also a good chance that neither pokemon much liked Ankou, but they couldn't travel the region without one.

"Excuse me, Professor?" Ankou offered a small smile, but it didn't reach their eyes. "May I take the eevee?"

Their parents often remarked how eevee were 'blank slate' pokemon and the physical embodiment of adaptability. Ankou hoped that was true, and that it would prove useful.

Moderators: Gab KansasVenomoth