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Forums » Open worlds » Main Universe RP "The Hunt"

Hobbes waited patiently for the screaming to subside, even letting Maxele's hand go. It was useless now, anyway. She'd squeezed with enough force to all but liquefy the bones... it hung limply, twitching as Maxele attempted to gather herself. She was trembling now, but with obvious effort, she closed her eyes and attempted to normalize her breathing again...

Her eyes opened again when Hobbes touched her chin, tilting her face so the purpleblood had no choice but to look directly at her. "Now, being friends with an indigoblood, you must have some idea of what I'm capable of. And how much worse it can get from here."

Maxele was quickly doing the math, it was obvious. "There's an old church, up a block from where I live... it's there, in the high messiah's desk," she answered finally. "The place is abandoned... Zasten and I are the only ones who used it."

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"want me on it babe, while you finish up here?" -daxton replied- "just try not to get too much indigo on the carpet"
"I gave you what you wanted! What more do you-!"

"I figure I'll finish things up once we actually have the flash drive," Hobbes said, binding Maxele's wrist back down to the chair. She ignored the pained noises the other troll made as she did so. Also ignoring Maxele's protests, she went to the door. Hobbes wasn't too keen on discussing things in front of their captive.
-nodding daxton let the two of them back out to the corridor and sealed the door behind them with a combination/genetic code lock- "so whats the plan?"
Hobbes looked a little tired, now that she was no longer in that room. She got out her cane to lean on. "Look up the address... make sure it's not a trap. I don't think it is... but better safe then sorry. If it checks out, we'll go and get the game grub. And then I can kill her, finally."
"alright. Do you want to come with and rest in the ship while I do so, or stay here with kentlr?"
"I'd prefer to stay with you, if that's ok. I like Kentlr; he's very interesting to talk to, but it makes me feel restless to be so far removed from everything." And Hobbes wasn't saying as much, but she preferred Daxton's company. It made her feel anxious to know he was out there putting himself in danger while she was lying in bed, useless, despite knowing he was perfectly capable of handling himself.
"Alright....but only if you promise me, no matter what stay in the ship. Swear it on Dog-Mom" -daxton replied in a stern tone. He didn't go threw all this to save her butt and track down her enemies for her just to get stabbed again by a clown if this was an ambush-
Hobbes frowned a little, but nodded. "I promise."
"I didn't ask you to promise, I asked you to swear it on dog mom"
"I swear on dogmom that I'll stay aboard the ship..." Hobbes didn't like swearing on dogmom, and she didn't like the thought of something going wrong and not being able to help, either. But these were Daxton's terms, and he'd more than earned the right to set them as he pleased.

Sassy, seeing as Daxton was both out of the room /and/ not supporting Hobbes, took this as the perfect opportunity to pounce on his shoulder.
-Daxton nodded, satisfied with this answer...and was then pounced on by a lizard. Smiling down at the silly little thing, he picked her up and transfered her onto the floof pile that was hobbes hair- "alright, I know where her hive is so I can find the church easy enough with the computer"
Sassy was not pried off easily. She had been promised something, and she already knew it was not in Hobbes' hair. However... this did not mean that she did not enjoy messing with the rings Hobbes wore around her horns. She gnawed at one of the silver ones, trying to get it off. But, really, she was not accomplishing much.

"Ok, then we should go look it up," Hobbes answered, reaching around to mess with Sassy's tail. Causing the lizard to jump and gekker at her.
-daxton placed one of the coins he had promised the lizard into her open and gekkering mouth-
"please continue keeping an eye on the door for a little sassy"
-then nodding he lead hobbes over to the computer, bringing up any info on the church in question-
There was all manner of information on the history of it, such as when it had been built and who the members of the clergy had been, but now, as Maxele had said, it was abandoned. Mostly, this was because many, many zombies had surrounded the place, and no one had been bothered to deal with them. A while back, there had been a necromancer involved, but she was dead now.

Sassy happily took the coin and rolled over in Hobbes' hair to melt it a bit, wiggling in the soft dandelion fluff. Hobbes did not seem to mind.
" might be worth calling in a friend of mine that specializes in axing zombies and that magic crap. However more people also means more complicated...what do you think?"
"Normally, I'd say between the two of us we could handle it... but you've made me swear to stay on the ship, and with the Church involved and a dead necromancer... perhaps it would be wise to call your friend."
-nodding daxton typed out a quick message on his PDA- "He'll meet us outside his prepared. He's the touchy flirty type" -Then setting the coordinates into the ship, they were off-
Hobbes sat down, tired of standing. "And so the mysteries of Daxton's social group unravels. That's two of your associates I'll have met within one week."
"Valorn I don't tend to talk to as often as kentlr. Distance....and his level's of annoying can rival his levels of skill. However...if you got to kill the dead or deal with magic. I don't know anyone better"

"Huh...funny enough according to my files on him, he's a known associate of your friend Dhioni as well. Small world. His hive is just outside of the city she is currently employed in"

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod