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Forums » Open worlds » Daxton and Hobbes "Manor AU"

"just be careful...if an angry mob forms, I'm eating them." *he smiled slightly at the playful thought* "what about me, how do you think I should handle Ricky?"

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"You want to talk about charming people," Hobbes snickered. "You definitely got further with Rikesh than I ever would have. Just be your naturally loveable self and I'm sure you'll have him eating out of the palm of your hand," she answered.
"Or eating my hand....hard to tell with that one" -daxton replied with a shrug- "still should be fun if nothing else"
"You'll have to tell me how it goes when I get back tonight," Hobbes said, leaning up to kiss him.
"oh I will, hand or not" -Daxton replied giving her a kiss back, before turning to make his way back into the manor. Releasing the lizard at last back onto the ground as they walked-
Sassy promptly scampered away, diving into a patch of dry grass to roll around in. And then she set it on fire.

Hobbes made her way into town, humming to herself a little while she walked. When she reached Kentlr's shop, she went in. It took a second for her eyes to adjust to the dark.
-Daxton went to first check on their room and everything else to make sure nothing had been disturbed too badly while they had been gone for the night-
-as she entered a small boom could be heard from the back room of the shop, followed by a puff of green smoke billowing out, and the sound of coughing. Kentlr seemed hard at work today-
There was the same amount of activity as normal. Their room hadn't been disturbed, though here and there in the rest of the house the furniture had been disturbed. But that was pretty normal in this house, being haunted and full of spooky monsters and all.


"Hello?" Hobbes called towards the back of the shop as she came up to the counter.
*satisfied that everything was secured, Daxton got a few things from one of hobbes bags, then went down to the kitchen to brew himself a couple cups of tea with some herbs he knew she had that made a good brew. Using his own fire to brew the kettle, as he did not quite trust the kitchen stove yet*

*When satisfied, he brings two cups over to Rikesh's door, and sets them down next to him to knock*
*a slight thump could be heard, followed by a small groan of pain before kentlr made his way out onto the shop floor* "You startled me so bad I hit my head.....owww....." *shaking himself clear he looked over who it was again, and smiled* "Ahhhh, the lovely women from the other day. How'd the warding tonic I made you work out?"
"Sorry, I hadn't meant to startle you," Hobbes answered with an apologetic smile. "The tonic is working well; we haven't had any problems since we started using it. Well, with that anyway... there is something else I was hoping to get your help on. Is there a place we can speak privately?"

The faint murmur of chatter came through the door, two distinct voices that went quiet as soon as Daxton knocked. One of them belonged to Rikesh, and the other, unrecognizable. But it was definitely Rikesh who answered.

"What do you want?"

He sounded as friendly and sunny as ever.
"Well," Daxton replied in a chipper voice "I'd wanted to talk shop with you on some business....but if your busy entertaining, I could take this rare tea I had brought to share with you...brewed with herbs and spices not found anywhere near this region...and go bother some other entity with my deals"
"oh, sure sure. Any business you might bring me is good business. It gets rather...quiet around here with how superstitious the people of this town are" Kentlr glanced around for a moment and dusted himself off before motioning to the back room he had just left. "I doubt we'll be disturbed back there. People tend to not ask questions when it comes to my tonics. They like that it works, but don't wanna know how. Scared of the unknown this lot is. So they tend to steer clear of that part of the shop"

The voice on the other side gave a little sigh, giving in. He sounded a bit more civil when he spoke again. "Alright, I suppose the least I could do is hear you out. Can't guarantee any real help though."

There was movement under the door, and a very subtle, very soft pulse of magic issued out from beneath. Just detection magic, to see if anything, or anyone, else was out there. Upon determining that it was safe, the door opened a crack; just enough to admit a cup of tea.


Hobbes followed him through with a little amused sound. "Sounds a lot like where I grew up, though there, it was a lot more about strict rules than straight out fear."
-Daxton slid the cup of tea in gently with the tip of his boot, making an effort not to look inside the room out of respect as he did. After all, for the moment they had a good thing going here-

"what I need today ricky-boy is information. Sensitive do I know whatever guest you got in there is on the up and up enough to hear this exchange?"
-Kentlr opens a door to a spacious back room with a large cauldron in the center, and shelves upon shelves of vials lining the walls. The vials held a little bit of everything, from small plant samples, teeth, eyes, powders, and strange unrecognizable liquids. He sat at a small table at the back of the room with two chairs seated at it, starting a kettle of tea on a small stovetop nearby-

"oh don't get me wrong, fear is a big factor around here too. Between that manor you stay at and the weird things in the woods...that's why they give my work such a wide breadth. They know without it their homes wouldn't be nearly as safe"

A displeased hissing noise is made at the phrase 'Ricky-boy'.

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't leave this room, and as far as you're concerned, she doesn't exist."

'She' made a reply that was hard to catch. It did sound vaguely like, '...why you don't have friends.' The tone was teasing, though. Rikesh sighed again.


Hobbes followed him in, glancing around at the room. It was genuinely interesting to her, seeing all of these different vials and samples. Druids worked with natural things, things that could be gathered without causing pain; primarily plants. A lot of these, she hadn't seen before.

"I haven't had the chance to explore the woods yet. With all the things going on in the mansion, it's had both my and Daxton's hands full... but lately, an even bigger problem has come up." She gave a little sigh, and adjusted a piece of her hair. Stalling a minute before getting to the meat of the problem. "This town... it's been affecting me weirdly. I don't know if it's all the magic here, but... Well, I imagine you've seen a lot of things, doing what you do; have you ever seen anything like this?" Hobbes pulled back the bandage on her cheek, revealing the bark abrasion underneath.
"well whomever this person that doesn't exist is....I love their sense of humor"

*Daxton chuckled a bit, before straightening himself back out*

"alright Rikesh," *daxton replied suddenly switching to a more serious tone, actually using the other beings name as a point to show he meant business* "First...what have you noticed about my wife. You have eyes everywhere here, so I can't believe you wouldn't have caught onto her condition by know. We believe their might be books...spells...lore, ect hidden somewhere in this house that can help her. We just need to know where"
"my my my, this is rather strange now isn't it" *the alchemist seemed to mutter, leaning in to take a closer examination of the bark patch* "Has this only begun since you've arrived here? Or is this an existing condition?"

Moderators: SanityFallen dave_pod