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Genevieve nodded, returning his farewell as the two siblings turned to leave. "I'll be around here. Just send for me."

She watched them retreat back to their designated table, feeling a twinge of guilt. After all, it had been nice to have someone talk to her -- someone who treated her more like an equal than another political pawn.

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(I again apologize for the wait, everyone ^_^; Thanks for your patience!)

Adelbard's wan smile turned into a broader grin at Synthia's comments. Roland had by then regained his breath and was now glowering into his mead ... it didn't stop him from drinking more, however. "I am sure Sir Roland will show us his mettle," Adelbard said, turning his smile to his companion. "He is a valiant knight, brave and true. Naught will change that, even if the gods don't see fit to gift him Princess Scirye's hand." This set Roland blushing and lapsing back into silence again.

Sir Gellert rose then, to tend to other business or to tattle on Adelbard to his father Lord Nolarth. Either way, Roland was soon flashing eyes at the Laudessagne, making Adelbard clear his throat and refocus his attention on the lady knights across the table. "I have ... a question, ladysirs," he said to them, hastily refilling Roland's cup once again to distract the Michelage. "Now, while I have boundless faith in Sir Roland, there is a chance either of you might unseat him ... provided you can, and you win the joust ... what will happen? Will her hand go to no one?" If that was the case ... then Adelbard might need to see to it that one of them was proclaimed the victor.

Perhaps Adelbard showed his own inebriation then--though still mild--with how heartily he laughed at "Ser Berclav's" proclamation. "And we are all mighty grateful for your consideration!" he said. "How kind you are to hobble yourself for our sake--the mark of a true and valiant knight!"

Sir Gellert hesitantly approached the royals' table at the head of the pavilion. The Grimslays were not a large nor terribly wealthy house, but Gellert himself was renowned as a veteran of many combats. For decades he had been married only to his sword, choosing honor and duty over family. It was one of the reasons he resented the flippant sword-swallowers that gallivanted now with the lady knights at the table. If he was given leave to approach Garrold and his children, the grizzled knight would do so and bow deeply. He would not rise until given leave. "Your grace," he said--again, only if permitted to speak. "I wanted to thank you for the gracious opportunity you have presented to us all."

Meanwhile, the evening deepens into night. Torches and bright parchment lanterns are lit up like colorful fireflies. The sounds of merriment grow louder and more boisterous as alcohol flows free.
Laer Sylwyn was definitely late. He had gotten lost along the way and was picked up by friendly passersby who were heading in the same direction. Now, after the sun had set, he finally tread onto the fairgrounds.

Following the sounds of laughter and music, as well as the smell of food, he hoped to make his way to the feast which was luckily still going on.

"A feast of roast, spirits and mirth, to celebrate our righteous King's birth. What should follow but bold feats of might, an unhappy bride won from a fight. Sorrowful weddings, jolly parades, all to celebrate the King's birthday~"

Was he even close? He wasn't sure.

((Hi I'm new OwO; ))
Tatum glumly took his seat and turned to Scirye.

"Why bother offering you up in a silly tournament. Don't you get a say in this, sister?"
Scirye looked at Tatum. "I wish." She muttered quietly so Garrold wouldn't hear.
Tatum laughed. "Sister, you worry too much. Father wouldn't bother with us unless we were to leave the table."

He handed her his wine. "Drink up. You're gonna need to for this tournament. These gents all want to see their prize with a bright smile."
Scirye couldn't help but smile. "Oh brother, I am already in trouble."

She took the wine he offered and took a sip of it. "You are right. The only way I will smile or enjoy it, is if I am drunk."
Olivia ate as any man would, with meat in one hand and drink in the other. Having firmly toasted herself and all her glories, she settled the goblet down with a steady thunk! "And should all remember that I, Ser Berclav, have equaled myself with the other knights in drinking so heavily. Such is their silence out of respect and out of being feared by my might, my swordsmanship, my righteous birth!" Swinging her hand outward, she splashed wine behind her without a care, narrowing her eyes to Aldebard, "Thy words are true, I -am- valient. I am considerate enough in so that should I best any in my weakened state, I will be certain to continue my bouts in honor of those unfortunate enough to fall." Speaking all of this with her hand to her breastplate, she swayed for show, her voice carrying itself far.

Standing from her seat, Olivia tapped her gauntlet to her armor and dipped her head, "If I am able, I must be excused. I have mine blade to dull, mine armor to rust, mine squire to hole my helm." Collecting the plates of food and drink, she ushers a servant to walk over and collect the rest. As she left the table, she stated loudly, "Mine victory parade to plan." And she left the feast..."Excuse thy servant, traveler. I will not keep you out here; please, eat your fill tonight." She told Laer, as she exited the feasting grounds.
Laer could hear Ser Berclav yards away and so was not surprised when he was adressed.

"Many thanks to you, the kind Ser Berclav. The festivities should continue 'til dawn. If your offer yet stands, then we shall have food and fun enough to share in the morn'."

He'd overheard him shouting his own name, though there was a pitch to his voice that was hard to associate with its owner. Also, he might have misunderstood his offer, as he could not see if he was actually being offered food directly, though he could smell some on him.

"As I luckily overheard your name, I shall give my own in return; Laer, a simple bard with no merit or fame. To sing your valor, I came to the faire. Should your proclamations stand just and true, I would be honored to write songs of you.

"Is the feast that way? The sounds would suggest as much. Let us meet again."

Suddenly shifting metres, he bowed slightly to Berclav and moved along.
Tatum laughed.

"Take a glance around the room. Out of all the brave souls competing tomorrow, with whom would you most be satisfied having your hand."
"I am not satisfied with any of them." Scirye replied without looking. She had spent enough time looking earlier.
Tatum pouted. "Do you even have a lover in mind? You and I both are entitled to wed a suitable noble."
"What good is choosing for myself, when I have no say in the matter?" Scirye asked.
Olivia regards Laer with a contemplative look, before she clears her throat and bolsters her posture, "It shall be so, on my word!" In a bit of a hurry, she ushered the servant to walk ahead for a bit, as she answered in kind, "As anyone would be lucky. Only good fortune follows me, Ser Berclav. My victory is certain, even should mine muscles collapse under my glory." Giving a short boastful chortle, she smiled smugly and moved to step after the servant, "It is and let us."

Then, Olivia left the festivities. Arriving some time later at the tavern, she placed her food plates down, ushering for the servant to do so. Waving him away, she approached the tavern's family, "I have returned, as promised. I bring with me my offerings for our dining tonight." Accepting the thanks giving with a curt nod, "But I must wash up, please, excuse me." After having bathed and wiped her face clean of the mess. Toweling the black from her face, she changed into a simple tunic and pants before she met with the tavern family. The father, mother, and two sons ate and spoke, while Olivia shared the sights and the smells of the feast. Eventually, after being thanked another time, Olivia retired.
Laer continued to follow the sounds until he finally reached the feast. Rather than risk running into furniture or people, he sat at the edge with his lyre and strummed the strings idly.

Polish your pride
Those who don't know can't hurt you
Stay strong
Be bold
Don't run and hide
Those whom you fight won't forget you