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OOC thread for chattage.
OK yall... This thread is open. I beg everyone's patience as we're just getting started up; I am at work a good percentage of the time I'm able to post, and at work I tend not to be able to concentrate so well on Big Important Things such as creating immersive settings. XD Once we get rolling I shouldn't have to do a lot setting-the-scenes posts or topics, and it'll go waaay faster.
It's okie! We understand!
Sounds like a plan! You got this. ^^
Sounds good! I will be excitedly-yet-still-patiently awaiting developments. :D
OK lovelies. I think we're just about ready to get started. It was recommended to me to have different threads for different locations (which I have now done -- the major locations are covered, more can be added) -- how should that operate? Should it be "no char in more than one location thread, they can switch by leaving one and joining another?"

I don't have experience with a forum RP with location-threads, pardon my derpitude, but it seemed a good way to handle a group of this size, so people can split into multiple locations rather than having rounds which may take days to complete, due to timezones and varying availability.
i think the way its set up now is fine! im in another group similar to this: opal academy. personally, i think that having a character in more than one place doesnt make sense logically, but maybe others feel differently? in which case, majority rules?
From what I've experienced, you'll have your character in one place and have them leave and enter other locations as they go. It's just like having one big thread, except it helps keep the locations of all the ocs straight during rp and, like you said, avoids massive rounds.

Edit; When there are separate location, there's usually a "time of day" thing one person is responsible so no one skips to, say, late evening in one location while everyone else is still having breakfast.
I'm used to the scenes being a free-for-all. So while they're not all going in unison IC, it's open for everyone to roleplay at their leisure. But, I'm a-okay with entering her in a single scene at a time, if that's what you're aiming for! :)
Whoo! This RPs gonna be fun.
I like the one-at-a-time idea because... well, I don't know what's going to happen, and one scene is likely to affect a char's emotional and possibly physical state going into the next.
They both have their pros and cons; I could go with either. Maybe we can do the bigger scenes together (in the main thread?) and then if we wanted to break off and do smaller groups, we could use the other threads?
Linwood wrote:
They both have their pros and cons; I could go with either. Maybe we can do the bigger scenes together (in the main thread?) and then if we wanted to break off and do smaller groups, we could use the other threads?

I also would preffer that. Tbh I will participate on the group rps, but often feel more comfortable in 1x1 or smaller groups :'D
Another option is to not just make a thread for each area, but a subforum. For example, an infirmary subforum where people can make their own threads, facilitating 1x1s if people would prefer that. But the current way has merits too. I don't care either way :)
Ah, I see what ye mean. Would get confusing though while they were in progress, imo, especially where concerns infirmary matters and growing relationships (in thread X, have the events of thread Y happened or not yet?). I think I'll stick with the locations system, and any "everyone!" RP can happen on the main thread -- but with people having the options to create threads for additional places (e.g. "by the wall of the grounds" for a 1x1/private conversation, staff rooms/offices.)
That sounds good to me!
OK XD Anyone who's posted in the profile adjustment thingy thread can start RPing! (Again... hahaha... I've been at work most of the day and will remain so for at least two hours further so I apologize if any of the settings are a BIT lazy... please feel free to ask me for any clarifications...)
Oh, you're fine, they look great! One question though -- do the orphans know about the donor's death yet?
Nope -- although there have been subtle signs that things are going amiss. Lower-quality food, more emphasis on the orphans (especially the older ones) pulling their weight on chores, slight note of desperation in trying to get them adopted on the rare days prospective parents visit.

(The staff know, at least, most of them do. You can choose for your staff chars not to know!)