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Forums » Dormitory A » Kate/Gracie/Selena/Emoly

The dorm room was simple. It was kind of spacious, and had two bunk beds in it, one on each side of the room. There was a table at another side of the room, along with a minifridge and a microwave on a counter nearby. Shelves lined one wall, ready to be filled with objects and books.
Kate woke up with a start, her alarm clock screaming. She nearly fell out of the top bunk of the bed she was in. She quickly jumped down and turned off the clock.

She jumped upon hearing Gracie. "Mornin', Kate," she muttered, engrossed in a book. She had clearly switched her hearing aids on. "Why did you have to bring an alarm clock..?"

"Well, we gotta be on time, yeah? And you don't wanna be late for the first day of school, right?" Kate replied, turning to face Gracie. Gracie immediately perked up and shot out of bed. "Oh yeah!! My first day of middle school!!" she said, rushing to a shelf that held a plastic storage bun containing her clothing. She selected an outfit and rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

Kate glanced around the room. They'd arrived yesterday, and thanks to Kate's telekinesis, they'd gotten unpacked and settled rather quickly. She walked over to the same shelf Gracie had, and selected an outfit from a storage bin containing her clothes. After Gracie walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed and freshened up, Kate entered. Gracie tossed her pajamas into a hamper next to the bunk bed she and Kate had used.

Kate eventually finished in the bathroom and walked over to the table to grab her messenger bag and school supplies, tossing her pajamas in the hamper on her way. Gracie grabbed her backpack and started loading it up with books and such, then slung it over her shoulder. Attached to a zipper on the pack was Gracie's fairy, Hihi, asleep in her crystal ball. Hihi was awakened by the sudden movement and angrily yelped in protest, but since she was in her crystal ball, Kate didn't hear or see her.

Kate set her bag on the table and returned to the bathroom to take her asthma controller medicine. She grabbed her rescue inhaler from a bedside caddy she'd installed in her bunk and placed it in the front pocket of her messenger bag. She was ready. All that was left was to wait for a while until it was okay to leave the room. While Kate wasn't looking, Gracie stealthily snatched her Apprentice Tap from under her bed and put it in her backpack. Kate didn't know she was a Witch Apprentice, and was under the belief that Gracie had powers like hers. It was a long story.

((Okay jeez that's a lot of text))
Seeing it was 6:45, Kate got her boots on and left the room. Gracie follows.

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