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Forums » Dormitory A » Eladriyel/Monoko/Raven/Mare

The dorm room was simple. It was kind of spacious, and had two bunk beds in it, one on each side of the room. There was a table at another side of the room, along with a minifridge and a microwave on a counter nearby. Shelves lined one wall, ready to be filled with objects and books.
Eladriyel was more than happy to see that she was accepted into "The Oakwater School of Magic" school. Her parents helped her pack and the next day she went to the school. Her driver helped her unload the trunk she had and looked at the mail trying to find where the dorms were. She finally found her dorm room and opened it up. She immediately noticed that there were two bunk beds in the room which meant she was going to have a room mate. She setteled her golden retreiver on her bed and looked around the room as she pet him. She then decided to start unpacking.

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